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Everything posted by ALAKTORN

  1. “The net has been alarmed about me, but I’m doing fine!”. I hope he’s not just saying that.
  2. http://ikura.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/wcomic/1424613102/601 This guy claims that in the postcard he received last year Aoyama denied Sharon/Vermouth as being the boss. No proof yet, neither for the Elena one. I wouldn’t believe either one until we get proof. Edit: nvm apparently we already knew about Vermouth.
  3. Yeah no idea, lol. I wasn’t sure how to translate it. Something about being German or to do with Germany. Should be somewhere in the manga. The Japanese (as you can see) is ドイツ系の君. Edit: About that one I was wondering whether there were translation issues, because what I translated is kinda different. Maybe I’ll check the anime when I can.
  4. I found a Japanese list so I felt like translating it. It’s probably all the same as the OP but whatever. Didn’t try very hard to translate but I hope it’s understandable. Original: Translation: A few things I thought were “interesting” while translating this: the fact that Akemi’s SMS to Akai is called “mail” in Japanese (can we please stop saying Anokata’s number is a mail address); the fact that in at least one instance the volume number doesn’t match up with what we have in the wiki.
  5. The “Sera not an enemy” text and translation should be for the postcard above it. “The mystery child's voice actor Part 1” the picture should be swapped with the one in Part 3. I noticed jimmy_kud0_tv2 has a few more on DCTP. I think a few of his translations are wrong. I’ll go through them when I have time probably tomorrow.
  6. ^Maybe make that postcards thing a page on the wiki? I noticed a few mistakes, should I point them out or are you still working on it? Edit: that blog also lists Eri Kisaki as having been denied. I only just noticed Aoyama uses one of the 4 card signs things as his names on Animal Crossing. Diamonds, Hearts, Spades. No whatever the 4th one is, so far.
  7. Are these new? http://www.geocities.jp/ootsubancyo/2_3_2_lb.jpg http://www.geocities.jp/ootsubancyo/1_3_2_lb.jpg http://www.geocities.jp/ootsubancyo/3_3_2_lb.jpg http://www.geocities.jp/ootsubancyo/4_3_2_lb.jpg Edit: think this postcard is new, but doesn’t seem to be anything important, something about Edogawa Conan having been interesting: http://i.imgur.com/RslDesr.jpg Edit2: ““The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa” was interesting, wasn’t it~!”.
  8. Found this Japanese list that says Fusae and Gin too. http://anokata.xxxxxxxx.jp/log/1410445143.html ・フサエ・キャンベル・木之下(コナン新聞) tn: Fusae from Conan Shinbun (newspaper). ・ジン(年賀状) tn: Gin from a postcard, but the link is now dead. ↑年賀状の画像http://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/76296_506744959376974_419223725_n.jpg Edit: Samizu Kichiemon too: http://okamehonpo.net/i/read.php/ikura.2ch.sc/wcomic/1414657160/2 although the postcard is photographed so badly it’s not fully readable: http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20140925/19/keioh1122/75/fc/j/o0720040513078066558.jpg?cpd=215 Edit2: full pic: http://ameblo.jp/keioh1122/image-11930145397-13078066558.html I’ve been trying to Google theories in Japanese because I want to know their opinions, but I’m not finding much.
  9. Can you post the kanji to accompany the Japanese terms you’re using? I’m lost myself, but maybe someone else will understand what you’re talking about. But if you’re already speculating on the boss’s name, then couldn’t you just go through the manga and check whether that name has ever appeared? I remember another big hint that was given in interviews is that if you read a particular volume (or chapter?) you’d easily figure it out.

    Cute Culprits

    Really? Do you have a source on that?
  11. Hmm OK. In Italy we use Do Re Mi.
  12. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Nanatsu_no_Ko “Conan noticed that the first few notes sounded very close to the area code for Tottori prefecture. He guessed that it was a song starting with notes "B A G A". He discovered the song Nanatsu no Ko matched the sound of the key presses after asking Kyosuke Haga‎ what songs start with "H A G A".” http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Kyosuke_Haga#Kyosuke_Haga “When Kyosuke was being taken away by the police, Conan asked him if he knew any songs that began with "B A G A" (or "H A G A").” From what I gather H is used in some places of the world while B is used in others, hence the mixage. But what I wanted to ask is: why are we using those letters, instead of what Conan actually says most of the time, that it’s a “Si La Sol La” melody? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JMw61NMs4w (near end) Conan there says something like “When I asked you about the melody, you replied “Is it something about me?””. Then says something about it being H A G A therefore Haga in German or whatever, don’t know. Then says “Then that melody really is Si La Sol La”. Then he asks Haga if he knows any songs that start with “Si La Sol La”. I know nothing about music but I found this whole thing pretty confusing to read on the wiki. Maybe it should all just be replaced with Si La Sol La?
  13. From DCTP: http://studybank.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1.html http://blog-imgs-66.fc2.com/s/t/u/studybank/HNI_0084_JPGs.jpg ナゾのイモウトのナマエは○○リー “The name of the mysterious little sister is ××rī”. The blogger says it could be Mary (メアリー) and explains why he thinks so, but I’m not gonna translate all that. http://blog-imgs-66.fc2.com/s/t/u/studybank/201409100115490b4s.jpg セラちゃんはキチにいってよんでる “Sera-chan calls him Kichi-nii”. http://blog-imgs-66.fc2.com/s/t/u/studybank/HNI_0085_JPGs.jpg じつは もうラムは でてたりしてw “Actually, Rum has already appeared lol”. http://studybank.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-6.html http://blog-imgs-66.fc2.com/s/t/u/studybank/HNI_0002_JPG.jpg カンちゃんはラムじゃないって(^^ “Kan-chan is not Rum ^^”. Some new Rum information here I think, not sure when it was posted. He’s already appeared…
  14. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/5669-bad-news-dc-to-be-released-aperiodically-after-goshos-hospitalization-until-summer/
  15. If he’s not healthy Conan might not get an end… I hope he recovers fully.
  16. If someone could find the original posts maybe we could figure out what the blueish purple thing is and whose wife Vermouth isn’t. Those 3 have links to the original Twitter posts and one of them says “I only wrote “I like Kid!” but got some important info as a response…”. Edit: this was from Feb 25: https://twitter.com/studybank4869/status/570596735531163648 年賀状より “ ジェイムズはボスじゃないし、嫁もベルモットじゃないよん(笑)今年もヨロシク! 青山剛昌 ” ※ 元ソースが消えてしまったためテキストでの報告になります 前半の内容を考慮すると、後半部分はジェイムズの嫁=ベルモット説の否定だと思います。 Says that the original source of the Vermouth statement has been deleted. That’s a native Japanese (I presume) saying that he thinks the phrase refers to James’s wife though, not the boss’s. But I’d still consider it ambiguous. There seem to be a few more postcards on that Twitter (well I found 1 at least). https://twitter.com/bsg_ayuar/status/570562663538798593 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-sLtQpUEAEYk_8.jpg Q: “The Araide Tomoaki at the school festival was the real person?” A: “Wasn’t that Vermouth? Though, my memory is… (laugh)”. https://twitter.com/conan_luv0317/status/569109537854062594 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-XiGVaCMAAJqI3.jpg:large Q: “When will you draw about Takagi’s and Satō’s marriage ceremony?” A: “Their wedding ceremony? I’d also like to see it!! (laugh)”. I think these are new at least, don’t remember reading them before. I think that might be all the post cards. On an unrelated note, I found this: https://twitter.com/studybank4869/status/552051494350884865 Q: “Did the BO have anything to do with Date’s “incident”?” A: “No”. Don’t know if that was already known. ◯60+ より Q:伊達刑事の"事故"に組織は関与している? A:してません この辺りをふまえて考察はしてるけど進まないですね。
  17. Finally reading again and found out that kanji is Yamamoto Kansuke’s, the Sengoku era samurai. Should there be a note or something in the translation?
  18. Well the most voted option in the poll is indeed “Minor Character (appeared once or a few times before)”. It’s also what I voted.
  19. Uhm, I guess it could be ambiguous. I understood it as it was translated at first. Literally it’s basically “James is not the boss, the wife is not Vermouth either”.
  20. Forgot about that. Looking up the phrase on a dictionary actually just says “appearing” rather than “revealing oneself”… http://www.jisho.org/words?jap=sugatawoarawasu&eng=&dict=edict Edit: this one also says “to make the true state clear” though, which could be understood as revealing oneself. http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/jn2/7391/m0u/
  21. You can also check the wiki btw: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Anime
  22. I think you missed this: Sera and Akai will meet again… maybe. (laughs) About the Kudō film, he just said “I’ll think about it”. It was probably mentioned to him by the fan. Another said “I wanna see Akai’s revival animated soon.”. I saw a few images with a lot of Japanese and got a headache so I didn’t try to translate them, but what’s this one? http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/3862f6246b600c330c4e83c41e4c510fd9f9a18c.jpg “「Boss」 It is known that in the BO there is a boss that they call “that person” (ano kata). He has never revealed (or simply appeared?) himself in front of Conan, the name and gender are also a mystery. The only thing that is known is that when you type his mail address, the song Nanatsu no Ko will play out.” I wish Japanese wasn’t that ambiguous, or that I knew it better.
  23. 2. "Sera and Haibara both like the same person, hence their showdown/confrontation." ; Wait what.
  24. 勘ちゃん隠れて待つのが好きなのね・・・ Kan-chan really likes to hide and wait… Someone else translated this. I didn’t translate it at first because if you notice, the kanji used for “Kan” is wrong, so I was wondering what was up with that and wanted to read the chapter first before translating it. 炊飯器、なかなか便利らしいわよ❤ | I heard that rice cookers are quite covenient.❤ Not sure that’s the intended meaning. My translations are losing quality.
  25. お腹がいっぱいになると眠くなるのよね・・・ | You get sleepy when your stomach is full… Haven’t been reading the manga (are the translations done yet?) so I’m not sure what I’m translating. The one before this I need context to translate… actually I should just read the raw.
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