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Everything posted by ALAKTORN

  1. I actually think the fingerprints behaviour that makes more sense is the one in the series, rather than the movie. But I don’t know much about this.
  2. やっと世良ちゃんになったわね・・・ | It finally became Sera-chan…
  3. I don’t think that could be called a choker… is that supposed to be the voice-changer? Was it called a choker before? Also, 902 is about the kiss scene. Where would you put the “kiss for good luck” image if not chapter 902? Edit: nevermind, you’re right. My translation of the good luck kiss image is wrong, it was just intended as Shūkichi’s name (even though it makes no sense to go for the double meaning / use the nickname there…). That also solves the mystery of the “missing” image. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hmm… I’m gonna make a bold theory. I think whoever updates the site messed up, and the image “she really was a girl” was supposed to be uploaded for chapter 905 and it’s about the mystery girl. However they accidentally swapped them, and the current image is the true one for chapter 904. Thoughts? I’m saying this because the image we currently have for chapter 904 isn’t supposed to be there, because the new one is about chapter 904.
  5. So… where the hell are we with files now? Because I haven’t seen any mention of 905 and apparently the Soliloquy is already updated to it? 受付の眼鏡の娘オッパイ大きすぎない? | Aren’t the breasts of the girl with glasses at the reception too big? Sounds a bit weird I think but didn’t know how else to word it.
  6. I can’t read Chinese. Hmm, if it’s about that page, the way it’s worded doesn’t make a lot of sense…
  7. あら、本当に女の子だったのね・・・ Oh, she really was a girl… Who’s she talking about? I can’t find chapter 904 yet.
  8. Wait a sec. “38. Is there a connection between BO and Tottori Prefecture? A: No. (big laugh)” Then what’s this on the wiki? http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Anokata “The number might have a Tottori area code; but it is uncertain because of the way the number, including the area code, was altered to prevent prank calls. It is worth noting that Ai Haibara reacts to the word Kurayoshi – a city in Tottori province, when she notices Shinichi Kudo had taken an interest.”
  9. The “hasn’t appeared in front of Conan” is wrong. Your guess is the correct translation.
  10. That’s Chinese so I can’t help.
  11. チョーカーつけるなら隠しなさいよ! If you’re going to wear a choker, hide it! Can’t tell much from the Chinese scanlation but it appears that a woman loses her choker.
  12. Found one more. https://web.archive.org/web/20060615000000*/http://homepage3.nifty.com/y-t/conatsu/sherry/sherry-up1.JPG どうせなら青子ちゃんも出せばいいのに・・・って、根岸君が言ってたわ Anyone knows who 根岸君 is supposed to be? Negishi-kun? The translation is something like “Aoko-chan could’ve let it out too… is what ?Negishi-kun? was saying.”.
  13. Wow this is weird… https://web.archive.org/web/20110310140659/http://www.conatsu.com/sherry/sherry-2.htm For this one it says Mar 10 2011, but then going forward to Mar 24 2013 it’s the same picture, and on the wiki it’s listed as 2013-10-05… I don’t know what’s going on here. Edit: I figured out that the dates aren’t very precise. A few are better than others, but it can’t be helped I guess. Anyway, I’ve added all I could find. The translations are without context, so I have no idea if they’re correct or not; they’re also subject to change if I think up better ways to word them. One of them I couldn’t translate, I’ll post it at the end. Hopefully the dates archive.org gives aren’t too terribly wrong… まったくどいつもこいつも・・・ Good grief, every last one of them… 女は食前酒ってわけかしら? So women are just apéritifs? 全問解けたらニューヨークに行けるのかしら? I wonder if he’ll be able to go to New York if he answers correctly to all questions? 麻雀っていえば、「アカギ」面白いわよね・・・ アニメは終わっちゃったけど Speaking of mahjong, “Akagi” is pretty interesting… The anime ended, though. ゴロ描き慣れてきたわね・・・ He started to get used to drawing Goro, hasn’t he… ヤラレ役なのにカッコつけて出てきたわね・・・ He’s the one who was done in and yet he tries to look cool… 釣りに行く人は気をつけてね! Be careful when you go fishing! 「恋の軍略」試してみたらどうかしら? Why don’t you try using “Love’s Strategy”? 相変わらずイラつくわね、高木刑事・・・ As usual, detective Takagi irritates people… No translation: 昔懐かしいドジッ子ね・・・
  14. I need help figuring out what manga chapter these old ones could’ve been about… archive.org has the date of the page (for example 2004-07-11) but I don’t know yet how to figure out what manga chapter was out at that point in time. Mind that the Soliloquy is about each chapter that comes out with Shōnen Sunday, not about the manga volumes so the dates for the manga that are in the wiki aren’t helpful (I think).
  15. Yeah, I figured. You think Aoiyama skipped the Soliloquy for file 901? I’m pretty sure it was never online. Also guys… I found an archive of old Soliloquies!!! https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.conatsu.com/ I have no idea why no one ever thought of checking archive.org. I’ll work on uploading and translating all I can find.
  16. I just read chapter 901, but… I saw none of that? If this Soliloquy is about chapter 902, then we missed the one for chapter 901…? Edit: if the Conan website is to be believed, the current Soliloquy is about the Shōnen Sunday released the 16th of this month, but what chapter of the manga would that be?
  17. Oh, so it’s another play on words… did Shūkichi request the kiss? If so it’d make sense. Sadly I don’t know how to reflect that into English.
  18. チュウ吉ズルくない? | Isn’t a kiss for good luck unfair? I don’t even know where to find chapter 901 so this is a blind translation.
  19. I fear for the manga’s scanlation future…
  20. I’ve recently rewatched it, and loved it. Definitely one of the best arcs in the series.
  21. 清正の井戸、昔は5時間待ちもザラだったらしいわよ・・・ | I’ve heard that in the olden days it was common to wait even 5 hours for Kiyomasa’s well… It being a “power spot”.
  22. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Desperate_Revival In the resolution, “Luckily Haibara and Agasa informed Megure who has the cave surrounded. The culprits give up.” the last part is wrong. At least in the anime, 2 of them are apprehended, while the other one takes Conan hostage at gun point, but he shoots his needle thing and puts him to sleep.
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