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Everything posted by ALAKTORN

  1. It finally hit me how this should be translated. リベンジポルノ・・・浮かれて変な写真撮っちゃ駄目よ・・・ | Revenge porn… you shouldn’t take weird pictures in the heat of the moment…
  2. OK, so… I sent an SMS asking her, and she phoned me back. Basically, she said that “Hearing it, I feel like it’s a person that appears more than once, and continues appearing”, but when I brought up the point of it being only the name appearing she said “That’s true, you can’t know”. So, basically… ambiguity. But the fact that he’s been appearing more than once still holds true. And isn’t it weird for a name to be recurring and nobody taking notice of it? I guess I’d like to hear Checkhov’s opinion on this. Wouldn’t it be weird to have a recurring name of someone who hasn’t appeared in person? Do we have anything like that? Haibara’s parents, maybe? Also, could someone get Fujiwara’s opinion. I was about to write something more, but I’ve forgotten. This thing is driving me literally nuts, now I’m starting to think that している doesn’t necessarily mean “appeared more than once”, even though my teacher said that. Ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity. I’ll try asking some more Japanese people if I can find them. Edit: I’m overthinking this way too much. In the end I don’t think Aoyama’s phrase means anything particular. Could’ve appeared once, twice, more, name only or flesh and bones.
  3. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/523-boss-of-the-black-organization/page-22#entry54671 Chekhov, the link under Gin leads to the wrong place. -fixed http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/523-boss-of-the-black-organization/page-22#entry54670 The link at the top here is also wrong. -fixed Lots of old links to the DCTP forum are actually wrong. Also, can I just say again that I really think “今までにフルネームで登場している人です” (2012/06/30) means that Anokata has appeared in flesh and bones, with his full name? I feel like I keep saying this, but nobody else seems to believe it. I think I’ll ask my teacher about it if I can find the proper words. Edit: now that I think again, 登場している doesn’t even mean “has appeared”, but “is appearing”, meaning that he might pop up every now and then… this thing is driving me nuts. I’ll ask my teacher later…
  4. Chekhov, maybe you should edit the first post to include the interview that says it’s not Yūsaku?
  5. Second link. http://ddnavi.com/news/191132/ The beginning says that with Ijigen no Sniper, it’s the first time that a movie will have a profound interconnection with the manga. Gonna have to watch that. This one was harder to translate. Full of crazy news, though; but many were already reported by The Black Demon. 【青山】「“あのネタ”をやるなら、リンクさせたほうがいいと思ったんです。そのネタは秘密なんですけど。いや……、“あの人”の正体がわかるというね」 (Aoyama) tn: I don’t know what he’s saying exactly. Attempted translation: “If I were to spoil “that”, I thought it’d be good to make them link. That information is secret though. Rather… you’d find out that person’s real identity.” tn: he says ano hito, not ano kata, so I’m not sure who he’s talking about…  えっ! さらっと重要なこと言いましたよね!? (interviewer?) Eh!? You just said something important without hesitation!? 【青山】「今、描いていて楽しいのは、世良かな」 Right now, Sera is fun to write. tn: yes he jumps from one topic to another randomly, these interviews are weird  世良は赤井の妹ではないかと疑われており、コナンとも過去に関係があったらしい不可解な人物だ。彼女も今後の展開を大きく左右する存在であろう。一方ファンの間では、80巻に登場し名推理を披露した将棋棋士・羽田秀吉も、キーパーソンなのではと話題になっている。 (interviewer) She’s suspected of being Akai’s sister, and it seems like she’s related with Conan from the past, a mysterious person. She’ll probably influence future developments in a big way. The fans also think that Haneda Shūkichi is a key person. 【青山】「彼はねえ、なかなか複雑ですよ。これからも出てきます。今度、名人戦の取材に行きますしね。羽田の“羽”は、羽生善治さんから取ったんですよ。原作では、“あの人”の正体以上のことが次々明らかになっていきますよ。まずね、安室透の本名が判明する。彼の回想になぜか灰原の母・エレーナも出てきてね。とある二人の母同士が姉妹だとわかったり……。いろいろなことがつながりますね。まずいなあ、しゃべりすぎです。まあ、連載を楽しみにしてください」 Well, he is… quite complex. He’ll appear from now on too. Soon, I’ll go collect data at the professional shogi players' championship series. Haneda’s “Hane” comes from Yoshiharu Habu (tn: the kanji 羽 can be read both “Hane” and just “Ha”). In the manga, things like “that person’s” real identity and even more will be revelead one after the other. (tn: again, “ano hito”, not “ano kata”, so I’m not sure he’s talking about the boss, that would be insane…) First, Amuro Tōru’s real name will be revealed. Then, why did he think of Haibara’s mother, Elena, will also be explained. (tn: not sure about this phrase.) Two mothers will also be revealed as being sisters, etc.…… A lot of things are connected together. This is bad, I’m talking too much. Well, please look forward to the manga.  どうか! どうか、あと二つ質問させてください! 黒ずくめの組織の目的とはナニ? APTX4869の作用から考えると、不老不死が怪しいのでは……。 Please! Please, let me ask 2 more questions! What is the BO’s goal? Going by the APTX4869, I would think immortality… 【青山】「違います。確かにそう思っちゃうよね。今ね、組織の中では大変なことが起こっていますよ」 That’s wrong. It’s true that you’d think that, isn’t it? You see, right now, something really big is happening within the organization.  え―っ、すごい気になる! では、誰もが知りたい最大の謎。黒ずくめの組織のボス“あの方”とは誰ですか? 阿笠博士はかなり以前から取り沙汰され、青山は公式に否定している。コナンの父・工藤優作も有力候補の一人だが。 Eeeh, I’m super curious! Then, the question everyone wants answered. Who is Anokata? (tn: used “ano kata” this time, not “hito”.) Agasa Hakase was being rumored for a long time, but you have officially denied it. Conan’s father, Kudō Yūsaku is also a very big contender… 【青山】「優作も違います。もう決めました。これからは、“あの方”の質問は受け付けません! だってわかっちゃったらつまらないでしょ。読者の皆さんと俺で、これからも推理合戦をしましょう!」―― Yūsaku is also wrong. Now I’ve decided. From now on, I will never accept questions about “Anokata”! (tn: not “ano hito” this time.) I mean, it would be no fun if it was figured out. Readers, let’s continue our deduction battle! And again it says at the end that the actual magazine has a lot more info. Does anyone know where we could find it?
  6. またやっちゃったわね、キャメル・・・ | Camel’s done it again… Posted it in the wrong topic before.
  7. 893 out in Japanese. Chekhov’s explanation of handedness was a bit off. I’m always interested in this kind of thing because I keep hearing differing opinions by same-handed people on how they draw circles.
  8. It’s fewer than 82, we already know a rough timeline of when Anokata appeared in the manga from previous interviews (although I don’t remember it). I should be able to translate the other link later today.
  9. Ok, I’ll try translating these. I took more liberties than usual while translating this (I think), I wanted to be done quickly and the meaning in the end is the same, anyway. Some interesting stuff, I think. Especially something weird about Haibara’s name origin. 【佐藤】20年間『コナン』を続けるのは、尋常じゃないですよね。やっぱりトリックを考えるのが一番大変ですか? (Interviewer?) Going on for 20 years is exceptional, isn’t it? Is thinking of the trick the hardest part? 【青山】トリックは、最初に担当編集者と打ち合わせをしながら考えます。だから、担当が変わると面倒なの。黒ずくめの組織のボスは誰か、とか一から全部教えないといけない。 (Aoyama) I think of the trick together with the chief editor during meetings. So, every time the editor changes, it’s a bother. I have to explain to him things all over again, like who the boss of the organization is, etc. 【佐藤】さりげなくすごいワードが。その話題は微妙だなあ。最後に真実を知って驚きたいから、僕はわざとあまり考えないようにしてるんです。でも、……ボスはいつくらいから決めていたんですか? You’re nonchalantly talking about an amazing topic. That subject is sensitive… I’m purposefully not thinking much about it, because I want to be surprised at the reveal. But… when did you decide on who was the boss? 【青山】ああ……うーん、まあね、このあたりかな。(単行本のある巻を取り上げる)。 Hmm… it was about here, I guess. (While picking up a volume of the manga that was there) 【一同】おおお――!! 大ヒントじゃないですか! (all present) Ooooohh!! That’s a big hint! 【佐藤】これはダメだ。その巻読んだらわかっちゃう。これ、書いちゃダメです。『コナン』はラブコメも見所ですよね。 (interviewer) This isn’t good. If you read that volume you’ll figure it out. I can’t write this. A point worthy of note in Conan is also the love-comedy, isn’t it? 【青山】ラブコメシーンは結構大変です。いいセリフを描こうと思ったりして、時間がかかる。 The love-comedy scenes are a big hassle. It takes a long time to think up cool lines for those situations. 【佐藤】僕、灰原が好きなんです。マジで相当好き。科学者でかっこいいし。 I love Haibara. I really do. She’s a scientist and so cool. 【青山】灰原かー! 灰原、人気あるんですよ。 Haibara, huh? Haibara is pretty popular. 【佐藤】最初は敵か味方かわからない存在でしたよね。でも、ついに心を開いたなっていう瞬間があるんです。蘭が作ったおかゆを食べて、「あち…」って言う(41巻【トイレに隠した秘密】)。そこでグッと心をつかまれました。灰原は、絶対にコナンのこと好きだと思うんです。でも、複雑な事情を知っているから彼女からはアクションを起こせない。そんなところがほっとけないです。アニメの灰原役の林原めぐみさんも好きで。素敵な声ですよね。 At the beginning, we didn’t know if she was a friend or an enemy. But in the end, there is the moment where she opens her heart. She caught my heart when she ate Ran’s rice porridge and cutely said “hot…!” (volume 41, “The Secret Hidden in the Restroom”). I’m certain that Haibara likes Conan. But, understanding their complicated situation, she doesn’t take action. That’s on my mind. I also like Hayashibara Megumi-san. She has a beautiful voice. 【青山】キャラを作っていると、こう描けばこれくらい人気が出るだろうなって、だいたい予想できるんです。でも、灰原だけは予想をはるかに上回る人気ぶり。林原さんの声は大きいと思います。灰原哀の哀はね、実は「アイリーン・アドラー」から取ってるんです。シャーロック・ホームズを唯一負かした“あの女”。 When making a character, I think “if I draw/write her like this, she’ll be popular”, I can more or less anticipate it. But, just for Haibara, her popularity highly exceeded my expectations. I think Hayashibara-san’s voice is loud. Haibara Ai’s Ai comes from Irene Adler. The only one to have defeated Sherlock Holmes, “that woman”. 【佐藤】あれ、それ、重大情報じゃありませんか!? Huh? Isn’t that important information!? 【青山】そう、今初めて明かしました。物語では、「女探偵のV・I・ウォーショースキーの“I”」と言ってるんだけど、本当はアイリーンなの。佐藤さんへのスペシャルプレゼントです。 Yes, it’s the first time I’ve revealed it. In the manga, it’s said that “Ai” comes from the “I” in “V.I. Warshawsky”, but the truth is that it comes from Irene. It’s my special present to you. 【佐藤】すごい! ありがとうございます! Awesome! Thank you very much! I’ll translate the second link later, I guess. Edit: forgot to translate the last line, it basically says that the magazine itself has much more about the interview, so maybe it’d be nice if we got that (or maybe it’s in the second link, haven’t read it yet).
  10. Can I ask where you guys are getting your info on the new files? Because I’m still stuck at chapter 892 as far as Japanese raws go.
  11. Damnit all, why aren’t the raws coming out at this most important of times?
  12. あのストーカー先生をとりあえず捕まえてくれないかしら? | Would you arrest that stalker teacher already? Poor guy.
  13. Am I the only right-handed person that draws spirals clockwise from the center…? I loved Amuro’s remarks to the FBI in chapter 892, haha. Also I was curious about one thing, do we know Camel’s nationality? Bourbon calls him German (or at least German-looking).
  14. I’ll take a wild guess and roll with it. 右京さんの真似してる・・・ | He’s imitating Ukyō-san… http://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E6%9D%89%E4%B8%8B%E5%8F%B3%E4%BA%AC from a drama called “Aibō” (相棒). No idea whether this is right or wrong. Not even sure who is the one doing the imitation, could also be a female. Only one left to translate is the “revenge porn” one リベンジポルノ・・・浮かれて変な写真撮っちゃ駄目よ・・・ I’m not sure how to translate 浮かれて.
  15. 右京さんの真似してる・・・ I’m not sure how to translate this, 右京 is the name of some famous person I guess, but I don’t know who. Still missing 2 translations for 2014.
  16. I tried uploading a new image to the wiki, but it said: ″You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Administrators.″ So I can’t upload them anymore? I’ll restart translations soon, hopefully…
  17. This one was easy so I’m at least posting it here. Still waiting for the wiki to come back up to do the others. 安室 零・・・どこかで聞いたことあるわね・・・ | Amuro Ray… I’ve heard that somewhere before…
  18. I got curious and started re-watching this episode, but I don’t think I really agree with that… Gin has a serious reason for wanting Kogorō dead in that instance, it doesn’t really have anything to do with keeping (or not) secrecy about the BO. Also, I noticed something funny while re-watching ep.425, Korn normally speaks really weirdly, like, instead of saying “I can see the target” he would say “Can… See… Target…”, but when Akai shoots the transmitter from Gin’s hand, he looks back and quickly says “Behind us, 8 o’clock direction!” like a normal person.
  19. There were conflicting reports about that part, it’s not known what Gosho said precisely.
  20. I actually remember thinking that in the beginning it felt a lot more like it was someone retelling past events, but there hasn’t been any of that recently… maybe I’m just hallucinating.
  21. この盗聴男・・・ | This wiretapping man… Taken straight out of the manga. Not much of a comment.
  22. Ch.882 page 5’s raw has a Ran note to the side that says she’s Shin’ichi’s girlfriend. Aren’t they supposed to not be together yet?
  23. Maybe I’m late to notice, but doesn’t Heiji’s hat look like it has “sex” written on it…?
  24. 油断も隙もないわね・・・ | I’ve got to stay constantly on my guard… This one was easy.
  25. What the hell, why is that not in the wiki? I get the text for these posts from there, and I remember adding it, what happened…? リベンジポルノ・・・浮かれて変な写真撮っちゃ駄目よ・・・ | I was about to translate this but then I noticed I don’t understand it without context. I haven’t been reading the manga in a while, so I’m not sure if I’ll get around to translating it soon. Edit: well actually I can translate it but it sounds weird so I’ll wait for when I read the manga.
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