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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by aika

  1. yo just saw a anime on stars and some romance

    starry sky ave you seen it yet ?

  2. Link to the Calender or celestial Events happened this year and 2 more still to come calender
  3. The Miss Universe Pageant Just how many times do we have to hear an ESL student tell us that she wants world peace?
  4. aika


    Many things Music off course is common Special one's for me are (Birds/insect watching) and Drawing them really I ave spent A lot I have many types and Brands of Binoculars/scopes. (Books) especially mystery one's I have currently 78 Books in my shelf. (Cooking) For survival Games made by my Grand Father for his amusement, really you have to learn at least basic cooking before going in any forest or you'll doe in 2 or 3 Days. (playing my Violin and Guitar) Though I suck at playing Violin I am Confident About My Guitar Though. PS:- I Agree With RO
  5. ( jigoku ) watashitachi no sekai he youkoso ShiroKuro-SAN joudan hawo tanoshi mou
  6. aika

    Hi guys!

    OH so you were new Here Welcome to DCW
  7. aika

    My Photoshop Arts!

    These Are really Good but aren't they Too Big I tried and THIS is what i Got
  8. okay i'll adjust I am free anyways just Tell me the date one day before when you watch it.

  9. what say we Both watch SH 2 on fixed date and Have debate/review online about the movie next day ?

  10. sorry for late reply was preparing snacks to watch some Bruce-lee Hit's right now

    Sherlock Holmes 2 yep releasing on same date confused which one to watch First ?

  11. hi!!How are you ?Haven't seen you for a while now.

  12. I am good just bored and playing with photoshop and really waiting for MI to come in theaters

    how about you ?

  13. yo wassup ? online so late ? can't sleep ?

  14. aika


  15. yep i just saw it's exciting and really firing up hah

  16. COOL don't forget to Tell me about mew's all transformation.

  17. Ahh.. well birthday doesn't only mean day you were born,it signifies what how much have you found about yourself since everyone find something new about themselves everyday so everyday is your and everyone's Birthday

    as you enjoy your life you will never have a streak of bad birthday's.

    so happy Birthday one again.

    (I Felt I am LIKE A OLD MAN For a second there)

  18. ya i read the whole manga and watched te wole anime as well really

    i liked it ,very much refreshing and awesome anime/manga idea of using animals of chinese zodiac was really good got to salute author

  19. No i only draw with sketch pen cuz i suck at drawing with other's.

  20. I am glad you like it :)

    well it's drawn directly by sketch pen and i am sketch pen artist cuz i suck at digital and pencil's drawings,

    well i have been drawing for about 8 years since i had a hobby or bird watching i draw whatever i see.

    and seeing this your wish you mentioned to be surprised was fullfilled i guess

  21. Hi how are you ? I took you recommendation and read fruit's basket it was rather awesome.

  22. I am good,

    so did you enjoyed your B-DAY Fullest?

  23. ya mew doesn't weigh that much get him in you neck like scarf and mew is pink so it would look awesome.

  24. yep waiting for chinese scan's to come.

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