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Everything posted by aika

  1. yep i got to same conclusion

    wwell maybe cold fusion but i'll believe it after they review or give evidence

    well see ya i'll be sleeping now haven't slept for 2 days now

  2. most of all I think

    they measured radioacitvity in the supernatant, offering a "control" to account for loss due to precipitation by testing an uninoculated control. Lots of microbes and microbial polymers will bind and precipitate cesium ion

  3. It's not like it's impossible one more thing that caught my eye was this article


  4. I found this though

    "The possible reaction of Cs 137 isotope utilization is Cs 137 + p1 [proton] = Ba 138 (stable) + DE. The result of this reaction is the creation of stable Ba 138 isotope. This reaction is energy favourable (DE = 5.58 MeV is positive)."

  5. yep thats the problem journal to this article is no where to be found I thought as you know lot about science you might have sources to find the journal

  6. Fast not really I downloaded whole series just in case watching without any restriction.
  7. Man Bacteria destroy radioactive cesuim

  8. aika

    Skip beat~

    MAN how i wanted this anime to continue
  9. Brace yourself for sad moments But it's good story. I recommend you to watch whole.
  10. Parkur another one piece fan Here It was A Pretty awesome anime in my top 10
  11. aika

    I wish...

    I wish too go on a vacation soon
  12. awesomely done 2'nd one is Correct Time for next riddle What value of * makes the following correct */* - */2 + */4 =*/12 IN here "/" doesn't necessarily mean divide Hint :- The answer is a whole number less than 10.
  13. Taken by sail boat In my case it was different banana boat was taken almost very deep and they threw us there in middle of the ocean and said come back swimming to the shore
  14. isn't it but i had most fun in banana boat awesome fun for those who can swim but for those who cannot it's scary as hell yep any water sports
  15. correct time for next riddle A woman had three old coins - a silver dollar, a quarter, and a dime. Each coin was a little battered and had a piece missing. She found that exactly the same fraction had broken away from each coin. What fraction of each was missing if the value of the remaining bits of coins was now exactly one dollar in total? For this puzzle it can be assumed that ½ of a coin is worth ½ of its value. Hint:-A dollar is 100 cents, a quarter is 25 cents and a dime is 10 cents.
  16. no one online ?????

  17. well I'll post next riddle it's pretty hard if you don't think The four people in this puzzle all competed in different classes of dog agility at a recent competition. The competitions all required the dogs to run over jumps, through tunnels and various other obstacles in as quicker time as possible. Each had a different result - one came first, one third, one fourth and one ninth. All four dogs were each of a different breed. Can you work out who handled which dog, at what level each competed, the place each finished in and the breed of each dog? 1. If Tiff finished first then Terry finished fourth. 2. If Terry finished fourth then Jago is a collie otherwise Jago is not a collie. 3. If Jane competed in the Senior class then she finished third. 4. If Jane competed in Novice then she finished fourth. 5. The dog that finished ninth was an alsatian. This was either Jago, in which case Jago competed in the Elementary class, or this was Kelly, in which case Terry handled Kelly. 6. Mark won Starters. 7. If Mark's dog is called Patti then Patti is a labrador otherwise Patti is a collie. 8. Ruth's dog is called Jago. 9. If Jago finished fourth then she competed in the Novice class otherwise she competed in the Senior class. 10. If Patti finished first then Terry's dog is an alsatian otherwise Terry's dog is a collie. 11. If Jane's dog is a doberman then Jane finished fourth otherwise Jane finished third. Handler's Names: Jane, Mark, Ruth and Terry Dog's Names: Tiff, Patti, Jago and Kelly Breed: Alsatian, Collie, Labrador and Doberman Level: Starters, Elementary, Novice or Senior Answer should be like this Dogs Handler's class place breeds 1 -------- ----- ----- ------ IN place of"---" fill them up four of them.
  18. yep i m waiting for him to how up

  19. I changed the topic to suitable thing no problem right.

  20. I drank gin out of curiosity as for sherry,vermouth in food My dad Has Big wine cellar near our farmhouse.
  21. Happy Birthday \0/

    Tell me the expression Haibara Had on the Ride

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