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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by nis-aihara

  1. *high fives* but CoAi can be cute sometimes ShinRan going down!!! Anyway, i'm obsessed with Conan.
  2. we should make a topic about Hawaiian pizza!
  3. Just watch 'Heaven Is A Place On Earth' as usual, so funny. Really??? What chapter is it?
  4. 10 years. . . i'm still naughty.
  5. what? i don't get it. . .

  6. what? i don't get it. . .

  7. Rin, memang patut ko marah cousin kamu tu. . . lantakla kitorang nk jadi tomboy kan? nk kata geli pulak kan?
  8. i would be a girly girl and NO ONE wants me to be that way!
  9. Is there a manga chapter when Nagi immitades Conan?
  10. not much. but malay and indonesian are almost the same so i think i understand it.(a little :P)

  11. not much. but malay and indonesian are almost the same so i think i understand it.(a little :P)

  12. Athena (Atan for short) is in love with hayate. after ten years, she saw hayate with nagi so she thought they were dating. i didn't remember much but Athena got eaten by some creature then hayate saves her. i can't remember the ending, sorry. but you can start from Hayate no gotoku : Chapter 231
  13. woi. . . kalau ko kata kitorang jadi tomboy geli, kita 'laser' kat kamu karang. OK je. . . i pass!
  14. oh, i'm scolding people without introducing myself. e-to, e-to. . . atashi nis-aihara desu. yuroshiku onegai shimasu. ah, soda. nis janai, aihara yobinasai.
  15. no free time for a WHOLE YEAR!!?? :evil: :evil:
  16. I like the rain and windy weathers.
  17. i read the manga online once, and it felt so different from the anime. . . i don't remember what chapter i read but it was a REALLY sad chapter. :cry:
  18. hi :)

    so you're 12 too? where're you from?

  19. hi :)

    so you're 12 too? where're you from?

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