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Detective Conan World


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About Conia

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  • Birthday 02/26/1991

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  1. Not sure if you're still around here, but it's the best place I can think of for finding you :-X HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISAKI!

    1. Misaki-chan


      Yeah, I'm still around. :P And thank you <3333 You're so nice *lots of hugs*

  2. Conia

    Pokemon Showdown

    I happened to play OU (In PO, not Showdown) for a while while 5th Gen metagame was still going on, but it gets boring after a while since the pokemons used are always the same. I'd prefer just some casual battles in X and Y if everyone is in for it
  3. Dorothy \o/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Conia


      If you had found me, I wouldn't be a good stalker :V

    3. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      Awwwsh, does that mean you don't wanna see us either? >_>

    4. Conia


      What makes you reach that illogical conclusion?

  4. When was I included in your Wiki? I wasn't informed of this! I demand non-fake answers!

    1. AiSuigetsu


      according to the history you've been there since february in 2012

      you're getting rusty :P

    2. Conia


      I'm pretty sure it's been edited past that date!

  5. Everytime I look at my friend list in my 3DS and I see the name Moho without a Mii, I shed a single tear :V

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Sorry pal I lost mine.

    2. Conia


      Call a rescue team D:

  6. Chelmaaaaaaaaaaaaaar! I hope you're still alive! Poke bush number 1 to say yes, poke bush number 2 to say no :D

  7. I can't remember if I already told you late happy birthday or not :V

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Misaki-chan
    3. Conia


      There's... ehhh... a gift too... obviously.... I just... have it in.... LEFT it in.... the... bushes? Yeah totally! ... the bushes! I'll g-go get it :D *jumps in bushes and wanders off in shame*

    4. Misaki-chan


      awww it's ok I don't need a present *drags Conia out from the bushes*

  8. I forgot what to do when you have to say something after being away for a long time...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      L is a terrible stalker. He's never 100% sure you're even the target of 'is stalking.

      @ Sempai: You're right.

    3. A L

      A L

      Actually, to not even spare what people do at home or outside while being awake indefinitely can make for 99% even.

    4. Conia


      Neither L nor me are the best DCW stalkers :P

  9. Oh crap, I totally forgot to wish you a happy birthday OTL So happyyyyyy (late) birthdayyyyyyyyy :D

  10. A L

    Happy Birthday.

    1. Conia


      Will you give me a banana as present? :P Thank you!!!

    2. A L

      A L

      Springs coming soon, and I had these flowery bushes :P

  11. CONIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~ it's already 26th here, so.... HAAAAPPPPYYYYYY HAAAAAAAPPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAYYYYYY~~~~~ \o/\o/ have a good one!!

    1. Conia


      Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you Dorothy \o/

    2. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      Yer welcooooooooooooooooooooooooooome Coooooooooniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ \o/ anyway, how was it? :P

    1. Conia


      Never got the notification for this!!! It's amazing <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333threethreethreethritythree333333!!!!!!!!!! Thank you \o/

    2. Misaki-chan


      <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 You're welcome <333333333333333333333333333333333333


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Misaki-chan


      KK! Will get it done as soon as I can!

    3. Conia


      THANK YOU :D <333333333333333

    4. Misaki-chan


      No problem <33333333

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