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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by detective-db

  1. Welcome! another smiley march :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: B) B) ;) ;) :) :)
  2. But you realize that you will not be busy and felt relieved for it... :grin:
  3. pizza >>Would you rather do "ziplining" or bungee jumping?
  4. I accidentally watched it on T.V. when i i'm absent in school... But i stopped it since they are just repeating the eps... But, i think two years ago... i decided to watch the DC series in DVD... :grin:
  5. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  6. Read a book Listen to music Watch anime (dvd player) Write something Draw (random scribbles ) Hang out with friends... (but probably i would suffer...)
  7. same... >>I hate people who judges me...
  8. Go for it... as long as he/she pays... hahaha... >>If your'e alone walking in the dark street and you noticed that someone is following u...
  9. when i was younger... >>lives in Asia... where? (if yes )
  10. Hello!

    (sorry late reply... ^_^")

  11. ^_^

    (sorry late reply... i got sleepy -_-")

  12. Uhm...

    in Phil., after 6 grades we go to 4 years of highschool and then college...

  13. 14...

    you're just two years older...

  14. What do you by "a child"???

    Btw, how old are u?

  15. I'm in 3rd year...


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