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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by detective-db

  1. I don't think that i'm gonna right something *with sense* in this specific post... :grin:
  2. Shinichi's mom (forgot the name) =idk y did this come out in my mind "=
  3. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  4. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  5. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  6. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  7. What ep. is that? Just curious... The truth is I forgot
  8. I don't get it! How do you put a pic. in your signature? The URL are the ones that only comes out not the pic. itself... ^_^"

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      You know you have it right if the address ends in a file extension that is a type of picture like .png .jpg or .gif

    2. detective-db


      Can it be in the files i saved?

    3. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      It has to be uploaded to the internet.

    4. Show next comments  189 more
  9. I'll definitely rank it as FIRST!!! :grin: I don't mind if it's too long as long as the story is great and interesting...
  10. What do you mean by "Mystery Tour" Yeah! :grin:
  11. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  12. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  13. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  14. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  15. Welcome!

    Hope you'll have a great stay here... ^_^

  16. Just talk to them calmly... If i had a bad day, i listen to music or do other stuff that lets me forget that i'm in a bad mood... :grin:
  17. I doesn't really mind me at all... but it's quite annoying to me but i'll he/she will someday stop
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