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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by IHKF

  1. IHKF

    Oh no! XD That's just an expression.

  2. IHKF

    Hi! ;D

    I know how you feel on the whole "everybody looks at my couple like it's crazy! DX" thing. It drives me to drink that people are so closed-minded. Specifically the "main pairings" like ShinRan and its nemesis.

  3. IHKF

    Favorite pairings?

    But... Movies aren't canon. That movie... didn't really happen. XD But I understand. I would actually like to see it (for Kazuha to make Heiji jealous, but nevertheless...). It's hard supporting a couple that everybody looks at you like you're crazy for supporting. It sucks that people are so closed-minded.
  4. There was an evolution, actually. First of all, Mitsuhiko getting his crush on Ai was something that didn't automatically happen. And Haibara didn't always tease him or smile at him, and Mitsuhiko jumps more often at the chance to protect Ayumi or Haibara. I think that's evolution in a relationship. And Ai and Conan don't have that much in the first place. They may have had character development- but it doesn't show. Nothing has changed between the two of them EXCEPT for MAYBE the fact that Haibara trusts him a little more. And judging by the fact that she sent his parents after him to London, I think that says something to her trust of him.
  5. That's not right. If you truly like them you'll say it to their face.
  6. IHKF

    Favorite pairings?

    I'm just curious. What got you interested in that couple, exactly?
  7. I won't save you because you re-wrote my comment. lol
  8. IHKF

    Well they have to let you upload it in order to see it themselves. :(

  9. IHKF

    ....... *Goes off on another rampage*

  10. IHKF

    If you go into your YouTube account you can see exactly where it's been blocked. :)

  11. IHKF

    That's still not what I mean. I'm sorry. I think I'm not getting my point across. X(

    I can't see it. It's blocked by WMG those copyright little *goes off to go on cursing rampage*

  12. I won't save you because you won't admit it is or that MitsuAi isn't crazy.
  13. IHKF

    I mean like the characters getting away from something and going on an adventure that brings them to realizations, sometimes resulting in hangovers and their friends laughing at them. THAT kind of adventure. XD

  14. IHKF

    To me action and adventure aren't really the same thing. XD I mean adventure like traveling new places, wild events, and character development. XD

  15. IHKF

    I've never been one for dueling animes. XD My genre is more so romance and comedy and adventure.

  16. IHKF

    I've never seen that anime. I've only heard about it once or twice...

  17. IHKF

    You mean the Raven-centered arch? I like the idea quite a bit, actually. XD (When BB gave her the penny for good luck I went "AWWW" for a couple of seconds) but by far my favorite episode was Betrothed. Yours?

  18. IHKF

    I prefer Spiderman and Teen Titans, to be honest. XD

  19. IHKF

    Yeah I hate it when my roommate is out and i'm all alone. T_T

  20. IHKF

    I'm being a total geek and watching Justice League. XD

  21. IHKF

    So what's up? :)

  22. IHKF

    Chocolate covered bananas are the BEST! x3

    I always thought that way about Disney XD. lol

  23. IHKF

    ... Yes. Why? XD

  24. IHKF

    *Shrugs* Basically what i'm trying to say is that Haibara needs a sweet man who can teach her how to trust and love and be affectionate while Mitsuhiko needs a girl who can teach him to really stand up for himself.

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