Name ONE good relationship where one wishes harm on the other. (And the other doesn't comply with the idea..) If you can't think of any, I'm not surprised. Usually those kinds of relationships end up with a restraining order, somebody in jail, or... worse... (And I doubt Haibara would hesitate to put a bullet through Conan's head sometimes LOL XD). Conan OBVIOUSLY didn't like the idea or enjoy it, and Haibara was gathering joy from THAT. NOT... a healthy... RELATIONSHIP. XD Which is why to me it says that she doesn't have feelings for him. If you care about them you care about how they feel about things and if she enjoyed his discomfort and humiliation... I don't think she has feelings for him.
Yes, it does. If there are millions of character written the exact same way as her (witty, dark past, trust issues, etc...) and Gosho isn't the best at making her step outside that line, then I think it's safe to assume Haibara would react to liking a boy the same way the rest do.
Okay, so friends come and go. But you just don't do that to a boy you have romantic feelings towards. If you want to do something like that, if not to be kinky, then you need help... HELP! DX lol
We can at least say Ayumi has a crush on Conan, considering that she kisses him on the cheek, calls him her hero, and has said "That's why I love you, Conan-kun!" before. Haibara I don't think anybody has any REAL evidence of her liking him or being interested, and Conan... well he's an idiot stuck where he's at.
I agree he ruined it. ._. There was really no reason for Ran to cry... at all. And then everything was just so... WRONG. *Cringes* GAH! That's why I can't support that couple. It's just... not right, man. It's NOT. RIGHT! DX