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Everything posted by IHKF

  1. Yes- and the fact that every boy in sight falls for her and that she is loved by anyone and everyone and there really isn't a soul that hates her genuinely in the anime. She even has FANS for god sakes. It's annoying. Ayumi HAS some enemies. XD And she only has Mitsuhiko and Genta and no other random side characters asking her to be their valentine. (Like that little girl Megumi I strongly dislike... she annoys me.) *Shrugs* Sum up is Gosho needs to write better.
  2. We aren't sure yet. XD What about you? Any plans for Christmas? :)

  3. Visiting family and we're all going to see a movie on Christmas day. ^^

  4. You troll. lol But Ayumi, while like Ran, seems to be a little closer to that of an actual little girl which makes her more real. Ran... isn't so much. XD She's very very fake. Ran should have had time to develop a real personality by now- Ayumi is FAR from figuring any of that out. XD
  5. At least you don't still wrap gifts like a 5-year-old. ^_^' *Sighs* I need to work on that. lol

  6. Oh well. Friends are typically those who share your sense of humor so... XD

  7. It is. And it's sentimental. :)

  8. I'm good! ^^

    And it's okay. I know exactly how you feel. XD I always end up making things for them instead.

  9. "I Hate Kikyo Forever". It was originally a club I made a YouTube account for. But it slowly became... me. XD So yeah. What about your username? :)

  10. Hey! ^^

    How are you?! :D

  11. lol I'm reading TWGOK. XD

    So are you participating in the secret santa event or...? *Doesn't remember who is and who isn't*

  12. Good! ^^ What's up?

  13. It seems to me like a lot of the other characters have personalities to go along with that, though. XD Ran... just doesn't seem to have much of a personality. lol
  14. Look at all of the other posts and you'll see WHY people don't like her- and they're all very common reasons to hate ANYBODY! XD
  15. I said a majority. You're one of the cool ones.
  16. This place feels more like a facebook dedicated to DC to me- and I like it. A lot. XD But yeah. Too many people would cause... issues. Maybe that's why a lot of the staff members there are so darn pushy. ;P lol jk... kinda. But I'd like if the people here could just stay relaxed and be without worry of spam and the like. XD
  17. I'm really bored and I don't know why...

    1. AJ M.

      AJ M.

      No problem. And one of the funnier ones is "Witch Doctor"

    2. IHKF


      Oh I love Witch Doctor!

    3. AJ M.

      AJ M.

      And one of my favs: "Best Friends" ;)

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  18. I still love these with all of my heart... do you mind if once we switch away from Christmas I can use that one AyuCon banner you have on deviant ART? And are the files too big to be my avatar or siggy because I originally wanted to use them. AyuCon, if it were AiCon I wouldn't be such a fan of her gift! XD lol Even though it would still be fantastic work. x3 It's adorable.
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