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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by IHKF

  1. IHKF

    Christmas Songs

    I hope that's what this thread is for. ^^' Sorry if it isn't. :oops: This song is really funny and I figured I'd share it if that's what this thread is for. :grin:
  2. You're pretty good, but it could be a little better with a different point of view so you wouldn't have to be switching POV's all the time. And I'm having a hard time with the AiCon and it's hard dealing with poor Mitsuhiko and Ayumi just having to stand on the sidelines and watch. I hope to see a little more character depth with those two- it would take away from the story if you just say that they're sad and leave it at that. Ai has lied to her best friend and to a boy that obviously has feelings for her. I think they'd be a tad bit more upset than that. :grin: I really don't support AiCon and it's the very last couple I'd ever support in DC- but as long as Ayumi and Mitsuhiko are covered well I'll be able to read it. All in all the story is alright so far.
  3. Dude... he's old enough to be her dad- even as Shiho! XD
  4. So tired but it's only 10:46 and that's early for me. And when I go to bed early anxiety makes itself known and I have to get up and move around until it's my usual bed-time..... T_T I hate the anxiety. I have NOTHING to be anxious about. And I only get the feeling when I'm the only one in my house awake (except for the animals) or when something comes to an end like a movie or something. It gets to the point where I feel like crying sometimes.

    1. pemolalinifun


      That's terrible, I hope you'll be fine soon and you can sleep well =( Is there any way to distract yourself from this feeling? Reading something, until your eyes can barely keep themselves open, perhaps.

    2. IHKF


      Yeah. I just stay up until I feel safe going to bed. XD

      Thank you for the concern. Good thing is that all I need is coffee in the morning and my all-nighter ceases to exist! X)

  5. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    So I wouldn't get in trouble if I started a topic on just THEM alone, right? XD
  6. Oh come on guys EVERYBODY KNOWS she has the fountain of youth in her backyard. :roll:
  7. Yes. That's what I meant by standing up to her. He will NOT follow her every order or beck or whim. But he will be willing to do anything for her if she needs it. Haibara isn't dependent. I don't think Conan and Ai have a balanced relationship. ^^' She'd always be challenging him and while it is healthy to challenge one another- they would do it all the time. They may have similar personalities but there are other keys to a relationship that they lack. Similar personalities makes friends- not lovers. Not to mention dating the boy who ultimately is "responsible" for your sister's death is just kind of screwed up. XD
  8. So does Kazuha. She has just as much reason as Ran to be jealous. Her and Shinichi have never gone out. If Ran can be jealous and get away with it, Kazuha can too. XD
  9. IHKF

    Secret Santa

    This sounds like fun! :grin: I'll join! (As probably predicted) Anything as long as it's AyuCon will make me a happy DC otaku! I'd prefer if it weren't one-sided, either if that isn't an issue. ^^'
  10. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    First it was Ayumi that captured my fangirl instinct then it was Mitsuhiko... Genta I'm still sitting on the fence about. XD But in short they're my favorites and I'd hate to see them pushed aside just because they're kids. That's another reason why I try and spread AyuCon and MitsuAi wherever I go- it's underrated because they're kids! D: Whenever I get the chance I defend the DB. ...... Has anybody started a topic for them? XD
  11. I always say you need an S and an M in the relationship. LOL xD If they were together I think they'd fight over the pants in the relationship and it would all fall apart too easily. I think he needs somebody who can stand up to her BUT will follow orders when she gives them.
  12. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    Thank you! x3 I hope he covers it well. Far too many times have characters I really liked ended up being barely acknowledged in the end as if they weren't important at all. The least he could do is make sure that all of their feelings (like Mitsuhiko's crush and Ayumi's crush) have been tied and there are no loose ends. The ending makes the story and if he leaves them to just be "Those kids he used to hang out with that he still does hang out with just not as much" then I will hate DC. Period. No exceptions. To me, it doesn't matter what happens to the rest of the characters if he leaves such a huge gap like that in the character development I will hate DC. :-| And I agree. It wouldn't be the same if he were still friends with them as Shinichi. It would feel FAR more like a sensei and student relationship and I would HATE that. DX
  13. IHKF

    Favorite pairings?

    And thus begins her new life as Ai Haibara with her ever-loving boyfriend and adorable best friend..... I have a feeling that's actually how her story will end. XD
  14. LOL IKR?! XD Somebody needs to check if he has any disabilities such as ADD. lol
  15. Ran is the exact same way. XD She's just as possessive as Kazuha. In fact, most of the DC girls are. And Heiji is just as possessive of Kazuha as Kazuha is to him. And Kazuha TALKS to other guys- HEIJI checks other girls out. XD
  16. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    My thought process leads me to believe that Gosho plans on separating the two. :mrgreen: Why would he make Ayumi up to have a crush on Conan? He wouldn't do it just because it's cute- because if it WERE for that reason why would he give Ayumi character development revolving around her relationship with Conan such as episode 313 or episode 12 or episode 140 or episode 136? If I were him if Ayumi were just there to be cute then I wouldn't give her a serious scene revolving around her relationship with Conan. And then he also proceeds to further his friendship with the DB in that one episode 404 (I think). It would be too sad if he ripped Conan away from them and just tried to make it all okay and dandy because "Shinichi is still friends with them- even though he isn't a detective boy anymore and Ayumi doesn't care about the boy she cares for so dearly CHOOSING to walk away from her! ". If he ends it that way he's getting very angry fan-letters and group of people on strike outside his house. There may be another chance for AyuCon yet. I think Ayumi's personality would kind of fit with Conan's albeit different.
  17. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    So are Shinichi's and Ran's. So are Conan's and Haibara's. XD And no relationship comes with two pairs of pants. :grin: Ayumi has a personality that would call for a man that can protect her and love her- Conan can be that man. :mrgreen: Not to mention personalities are just one thing. They have way more in common moral wise, interest wise, and career wise than they do differences. XD And Ayumi is still a child who has not had the chance to mature yet- her personality will most likely change in due time.
  18. IHKF

    Conan x Ayumi

    They are, aren't they? x3 Yeah. And I hope he does- but if not then Gosho BETTER split them into freaking two. :mrgreen:
  19. Yes I have. ^^ I already knew Identity Unknown from DCTP but I have met Mohorovicic and Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief. ^^

  20. Ahhhh. Sorry to hear that.

  21. Yeah that's what I meant. Glad I understood! XD

    So what's up? :)

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