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Everything posted by IHKF

  1. Just sitting back, watching Youtube videos and chatting to friends online. xD Why? How do you relax?

  2. Oh I don't. xD I just am forced to a good portion of the time. What's been up? :)

  3. I'm alright. Relaxing. :)

  4. I've been extremely busy with work. No time for play. Just... WORK! T_T How have you been?

  5. Oh i'ts alright. Random questions are the best to answer! ^_^

    I prefer stories. You can read a lot from a drawing but words seem to connect more with me. :) You?

  6. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    ^ *Facepalm* Oh I give up. That's it. I just never seem to be able to get what i'm actually trying to say across. *Go sits in emo corner* T_T I'm not trying to at all. In fact, I'm probably more like Ran than I'd admit. I never try to make hate comments about any characters unless they are... villans that have just done something horrible like killed off one of my favorite characters. And if I am then just tell me and I'll fix it. Just point out what sounds like hate and I'll re-write it. And of course i'ts mentioned on DCTP. no do I care to fix anything there. But this place I actually like and I have respect for those who run it. If you want me to change something I'll try my best to do it. The frisky old lady thing was meant as a joke. That's just my sense of humor. If that's a hate comment then I also hate Kagome from Inuyasha and myself. Because that's also true for both.
  7. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    1. O_o LOL XD 2. No I didn't. I said that she dressed like a frisky old lady. (which is a joke. xD) That means she's strangely conservative yet at the same time she's not. That's not calling her a tramp or a slut, in my opinion. And if it sounds that way then I'm sorry. TONE DOWN THE HATE?! D: I just said she dressed like a frisky old lady! I don't see that as very hateful. I think that's funny! D: It was a joke.
  8. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    No old ladies tend to wear.. I don't know how to explain it. Very very frilly things or flower patterns or very very conservative things. What I'm trying to say is that Ran is very very conservative on the top but she doesn't often wear leggings or the like with her short skirts that most girls would wear leggings with if they were that conservative at the top so it's kind... yeah. A frisky old lady. xD *Gets lazy and copies and pastes* Very very frilly things or flower patterns or very very conservative things. What I'm trying to say is that Ran is very very conservative on the top but she doesn't often wear leggings or the like with her short skirts that most girls would wear leggings with if they were that conservative at the top so it's kind... yeah. A frisky old lady. xD I.... I don't think it's at all like that. O_o You want to see outfits that could be considered... what I'm talking about then you can go and look 'em up yourself. xD I'm not accusing you of anything and it's not like it's something that you'll be searching non-stop for hours for. She wears things like that quite often. I don't get fired up about fashion unless it's somebody I actually CARE about trying to walk out of the house in 10 different kinds of jean shirts, jackets, and pants. Okay, listen. The focus of the topic is Ran. Which means that I'm only going to mention Ran. Why would I bring other chicks out into the conversation if this isn't about them? YOU'RE making it seem like I'm just trying to make Ran look bad when in reality I'm just trying to stay on topic and state my opinion.
  9. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    I don't think that THOSE claims are true. She just dresses like she's an old lady who... thinks she's younger than she really is even though Ran IS actually 17. xD
  10. I think that PewDiePie is awesome. =w= And I now hate barrels.
  11. Puss in Boots. It... was... AWESOME! x3
  12. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    None that I can think of right off the top of my head. I'll just search through the episodes and eventually edit this post. I'm not immature enough to call an ANIME CHARACTER a tramp or slut because I dislike her. I used to be (with Kikyo) but it was... partly true in a way. xD I was'nt the one who was calling her those in the first place, either. I made the joke that she dressed like a frisky old lady... which to me is both a joke and pretty accurate. xD And if you want proof, look through the episodes yourself. Why make ME do it? lol I think it's a common rule of thumb that you never wear two different pinks unless they, if one was brightened up a little or darkened, would be the same color as the other pink. Okay dude, whatever you say. Sonoko has worn some screwed up things but I've never really seen Kazuha wear anything that could be considered unfashionable but I skip around and don't watch the entire series straight through. If you want post a picture of something you thought was unfashionable that she was wearing.
  13. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    ^ Dude.... you have to admit some of her outfits were rather... questionable. O_o Those kinda of names don't necessarily come from hatred. They are sometimes meant as a joke or because it's... true. (And there's a little bit of truth in every joke.) Ran may not be as bad as some of the other anime chicks but keep in mind she IS an anime girl. That means some outfits CAN be considered a little too showy for her age. And a lot of her outfits were just outright unfashionable! D: I mean, I wear some pretty strange things sometimes but some of them were just... ugh. NO! DX Oh come on it was a joke. :grin: MOST anime characters dress inappropriately and while some outfits could have covered a little more she's nowhere near as bad as an anime character like Yoko from that one anime. xD And most girls her age DO kinda dress showy. It's the age where they are about to head off to college in the next year of so and they want to have FUN. xD (Of course, Ran just probably does because she's... an anime character.)
  14. IHKF

    Ran's clothes

    Yes.... very much so. A very FRISKY old lady she must be! xD LOL
  15. Funny how there's more going on in this than the ending its song is for. xD I like it. It's cute! :3
  16. Best detectives in my opinion are Sato, Hakuba, Sera, and Amuro. Strongest in my opinion are Kazuha, Sato, Jodie, Sera, and Amuro. Funniest in my opinion are Kogoro, Sonoko, Yukiko, Kaito KID, Aoko, and Sera. :3
  17. I have that FREAKING Go-Go Girl song stuck in my head! D: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must drown it out with PewDiePie...
  18. I like a punk-rock chick with hair just like Rihanna like a Go-Go girl who dances like Lady Gaga... Gah. I give up trying to get that song outta my head. T_T

  19. Dear anonymous, Oh my god... chocolate. Chocolate cake galore! T_T I will EAT IT WITH COFFEE!!!! Sincerely, OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
  20. I'm pretty good! ^_^ What's been up?

  21. ^_^ How have you been?
  22. Hello! ^_^ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I have been working non-stop for the past few weeks. T_T

  23. One of the main reasons I don't like it. I'm very stubborn and absolutely hate things being forced down my throat. I used to prefer ShinRan over AiCon but... not anymore. I think if Ayumi doesn't get him I'll sigh and say "Okay... alright..." if Ai gets him. xD
  24. And we all know socially Shinichi is a simply idiotic. xD
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