Hi animaez! I am new here and my firsts will happen here:
+first salutation
+first post
+first topic
+first word typed
+ many more firsts :-/
Well anyways, as I was saying...Hello Animaez, and Sleuths! I am Sakura Hayakawa [true name XD] and I am here and I joined the Clan cuz I am also a Conan-Fan . SUUUUPPER FAN! x) [to be exact.maybe¿] Okay animaez, as you can see Im not always sure of what I am saying, pleasr bear with me and try to understand me even I sometimes get a little weird. But I am fun to talk with [sometimes.if i am in the mood] Well thats all animaez, I dont want to make this topic longer so... Bye Animaez! <3 sakura_hayakawa :-}