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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Dear Anon, It's about a boy who kept lying about his safety and got everyone worried. When there was real danger, the folks don't believe the kid and that is when he met his doom. So don't cry wolf again. Love ~Sis
  2. Dear Anon, Quit it. Have you ever heard of the story 'The boy who cried wolf'? Love, ~big sis
  3. Valkyrie

    Random Chat

    Yeah he is but he don't have to say it like that.
  4. Firstly, I do. Often. It's fun. And yeah you should but that depends on your preferance. Why do you think I don't do those dances?
  5. Valkyrie

    Random Chat

    Ouch. Moho's mean.
  6. Dear anon, Yes. ~Rin Dear Anon, *cough*pretendingthatyouweredeadandthatsomeonekilledyou*cough* Love ~Rin
  7. Keep trying. Good exercise. Should I stop dancing such provocative dances?
  8. I need to go soon as well. Dx Homework. T.T

  9. Dear anon, What are you gonna do if I don't stop? My BF likes it anyway. ~Rin Dear Prince, I forgot that you are an impersonator. Don't think I forgot what you did to my lil sis and I. Love ~Himitsu Keeper
  10. Valkyrie

    Random Chat

    Hey Tsuko-chan! P.S: AL, Ojiisama can order your execution anytime. He is the prince whereas we are just lowly servants. You better remember that!
  11. Goooood! xD I just love procrasinating! xP


  12. Yes. Should I do my homework? <----- huge procrasinator here.
  13. I am in love with the song 'At the Beginning'.
  14. Black and Blue. Should I start wearing shorts?
  15. Nope. Don't even try. Do you think I can shoot?
  16. Yes and no. Yes as it's a good form of exercise but no cos it will kill everyone due to its hilarity. Do you like the idea of me dancing Bubble Pop?
  17. You're right! I don't usually check my grammar when talking informally. No point. And Science books usually ignore grammar but it's not true necessarily true.
  18. I am going to dance Miss A's Goodbye Baby for VD.
  19. Not true. You are stereotyping again. Din writes Science and he have good grammar. So do I.
  20. Welcome to DCW! Do introduce yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' thread so other members can welcome you as well. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me! :)

  21. Yes. Did you notice that you spelled philosophy wrong?
  22. I like teasing AL with Bubble Pop.
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