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Detective Conan World


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About Awagode

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  • Birthday 04/26/1995

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  1. Wow. Haven't been active for a while now.


    1. ShinRan1742
    2. Awagode


      I KNOWW. It feels soo weird. I've been waiting for this moment for a whole year! *U* And now I finally watched it. II feel like a big black hole inside.

  3. Here's a link! :DDDDDD Mod says: No links to watch anime online sites please. Sorry, but we don't want to be sued.
  4. DC makes soo much easier this horrible school week :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. panda456


      D: what happened?

    3. Lovestruck


      It's okay XD And that's cool, Spain is one of the most beautiful countries I ever visited <3

    4. Awagode


      Panda> I just started school a week and a half ago so I was a little bit stressed. I just need to start all over again. This is my last year!

      Rosie> Really? Where has you been? :D I know, I love my country! (I just need to forget about our bad economic crises to enjoy it xDDD). You're from the USA, I guess.

  5. Just can't wait anymore T_T It's not fair! I mean, just because we don't understand japanese we have to wait 6 months more?! Equality, justice! Ò__Ó But I'm happy we have the DCTP. At least we will watch it with subtitles :mrgreen:
  6. Quite tired. Work to do, even on holidays :( But happy anyways!

  7. Ava: 6 Sign: 15/10 xDD I mean THAT'S THE LONGEST SIGNATURE I'VE EVER SEEN. How on earth can you do that and how much time have you spent on it? xDDD
  8. ^I got it from their Facebook. :3
  9. Awagode

    Spanish Chatroom

    I know learning a language is dificult and that Spanish may be quite annoying sometimes so... why don't we create a language game? I think everyone is on holidays now so it could be interesting to keep the level till clases start again! :3. What do you think? Keep it up! A alguien de los castellano-parlantes se le ocurre algo? Así, que si alguien conoce algún juego que pueda ser interactivo, que lo deje caer por aquí.
  10. I think there is a DVD release date but because I don't understand what it's writen I'll just post it here so someone can translate it to me? *u* http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/306542_297562523676423_1694842275_n.jpg
  11. The name of the wind and The wise man's fear. I absolutely loved them.
  12. Awagode

    Martial Arts

    Congrats, Lia! (Even if you fost it like 2 months ago u_u'). I've been looking for Aikido dojos in my city for a few months now and I discovered there's one about to get opened just round the corner! I can't wait *U*.
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