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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Suika

  1. Receives Conan Inserts Ridiculous Bow Tie xD
  2. Well it has music XD Oriental Love Consultation =3
  3. XD Never ending hug loop "hugs!"
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lQo34ivbx8&feature=autoplay&list=FLF8e1iijNLMCnefYzftoCLg&lf=plpp_video&playnext=1 Love Sugar!
  5. great techno artist =3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lQo34ivbx8&feature=autoplay&list=FLF8e1iijNLMCnefYzftoCLg&lf=plpp_video&playnext=1
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCRTtF181HI&list=FLF8e1iijNLMCnefYzftoCLg&index=38&feature=plpp_video Mind Rape!
  7. Suika

    Random Chat

    Excalibeeeeeeeer!!!!! xD
  8. *receives heart shaped cookie* Insert Nachos
  9. I like being able to sleep pretty much at any time I want xD.
  10. Suika


    Playing the Saki Portable on the PSP
  11. I love sayaka and mami. My fav couple would be Sayaka and Kyouko though =3.
  12. how about for fruity desert pizza! xD

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