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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Remy

  1. fine . I am translating conan's manga to Arabic nowadays :D what about you my dear?

  2. I am fine thanks

    what are you doing with your school? :P

  3. hhhh seems do not like to say ok

  4. I asked you first

    but ok

    from Saudi Arebia ^_^

    do not forget to tell me where are you from?

  5. hi

    how are ya

    what are you doing with your exams?

  6. hi

    how are ya

    where are you from?

  7. hi

    how are you

    miss you

  8. what would you do if you felt sad?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. detective1


      -sigh- or go somewhere quite and sigh agian....

    3. ShinRan1742


      When I'm sad I try to distract me with something. But I do not cry.

    4. Remy


      Ok all of you have nice aides I hope you will not need to try them again ^_^

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  9. hi

    how are ya

    miss you friend

  10. hi. when do you use present perfect grammer ? I mean in your speech

    1. detective1


      hmm i not sure....

  11. hi

    how are ya?

    uha got yathanks

  12. ok hi

    what is the most important thing or the th ting that you most like in this site?

  13. Hi

    how are u?

    I was kidding. I ment someone like me funny and teacher in the university . most of them are so hard persons . got me

  14. me too I don't like it not like it too much
  15. thank u all friendS I got u most of u like conan but do not want to be a detective . your dreams are so nice^_^. I hope u reach them
  16. what do you mean by this?

    forget it or lose it?

  17. i saw that many of u do not use standerd english I mean you do not use pronuns all the time insted u use informal english is this ok ?

    1. Henry Gordan

      Henry Gordan

      And please use dots. It makes your message more comfortable to read. And many of us (at least I) uses sometimes own mother language's grammar

    2. Remy
    3. Remy


      um what is your mother languge and does this come - use its grammer in English-?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. i saw that many of u do not use standerd english I mean you do not use pronuns all the time insted u use informal english is this ok ?

  19. I am replyin you :P


    no actullay

    am a demonstrator in the university

  20. thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkks

  21. wow it works


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