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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Remy

  1. :razz: wow I wanna go there too hahahaha so nice wow I hope you enjoy your trip next summer ok take me with you too :mrgreen: you seem to like travelling wow nice
  2. hahah

    it is a rare event

  3. Hi

    how are you today?

    it is allright

    um.... difficulte to choose between art and science ? yes because science is hard some what and I do not like geography at all so I CHOOSED TO AVOID IT^_^


  4. um ....I am not sure if I had make a stupid mestake in English or you did not get my point

    I said I met the same situation before and choosed science hahahah

  5. um ....I am not sure if I had make a stupid mestake in English or you did not get my point

    I said I met the same situation before and choosed science hahahah

  6. you know that what happend with me 7 years ago

  7. Actully, I like math also^_^

  8. thank you I changed my topic
  9. you are welcome

    2nd year of scondry school

    do you chose science or art or still no

  10. you are welcome

    2nd year of scondry school

    do you chose science or art or still no

  11. do you study in a school or university?

    ok studying hard is the only way to be scientist

    but make sure that you keep healthy

  12. there are many places in the world that you want to visit could you tell us about it? I like to visit Makkah , M adennah, and Tokyo
  13. hahaha I DECIDED TO STOP IT WITHIN FEW seconds did you try laughing such away? any way you have a creative mind.
  14. wow I like them also except geography thanks
  15. nice

    I hope you success in all of them

    for me I like genetics and clinical chemistry

  16. I've got work now

    see you soon

  17. what are you studing

  18. sorry



  19. what are studing ?

  20. Hi I think each one has favorite subject even though she/he does not like school. so I wanna know your answers I like genetics and clinical chemestry waiting yours
  21. yes

    I am a demonstrator in the university thanks for Allah

  22. hello

    how are you?

    what are your favorite subject in school?

  23. thank you

    yes you are right

    and you are most welcom

  24. no not scary studying starts at 07:00 and comming around 06:30

    but no long travel time mostly because there are many schools it may beside your home^_^

    for me I have graduated alreadyare many schols it may beside your home^_^

    for me I have graduted already

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