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Everything posted by 96082

  1. Yo, thanks for the add (:

  2. 96082


    Saber ftw!!! I gotta admit, I did cry at the end... :') But I recommend Fate/Zero, too. The action is absolutely thrilling! And of course, more Saber action.
  3. 'Ello Snowflake The whole matter can be very complicated to explain fully, but the usual gist can be found in the following explanation (approximately!) It might not be absolute, but it does give a general idea. I'll try to put it as simply as I can ^^' : (1) In some cases when you combine two or more kanji to make another word, the 'dots' are added to the suffix. 手紙 (てがみ teGAmi - letter) --- 手 (て te - hand) and 紙 (かみ KAmi - paper) 立花 (たちばな tachiBAna - [a surname]) --- 立 (たち tachi) and 花 (はな HAna) Similarly, ぢ (dji/di) is normally seen in words that were originally pronounced as ち (chi/ti). Examples include: 鼻血 (はなぢ hanaDJI - nosebleed) --- 鼻 (はな hana - nose) and 血 (ち CHI - blood) 身近 (みぢか miDJIka - familiar [to oneself]) --- 身 (み mi - body) and 近 (ちか CHIka - close) Similarly for づ (dzu/du) and つ (tsu/tu): 手作り (てづくり teDZUkuri - handmade) --- 手 (て te - hand) and 作り (つくり TSUkuri - to make) 三日月 (みかづき mikaDZUki - crescent moon) --- 三 (み mi - three), 日 (か ka - day) and 月 (つき TSUki - moon) Also: 詰め合い uses つ tsumeai; 理詰め uses づ ridzume 付け上がる uses つ tsukeagaru; 気付ける uses づ kidzukeru 地下 uses ち chika; 有漏地 uses ぢ urodji As far as I know, づ dzu and ぢ dji are definitely used as suffixes. (2) Syllable preceded by its 'dotless' form: 縮む (ちぢむ chidjimu - to shrink) --- not ちじむ (chijimu)! 鈴 (すず suzu - bell) --- not すづ (sudzu)! 続き (つづき tsudzuki - continuation) --- not つずき (tsuzuki)! (3) Stand alone words in the ji/dji case are, to my knowledge, generally written as ji じ. The following are all pronounced ji, with a kana form ji じ: 字、地、痔、辞 etc. As for zu/dzu, they are generally zu ず: 図 (I can only think of this one as far as common words, taking into account of usage, are concerned) (4) Finally, words that have a different reading on its own than being in a compound word would usually take じ and ず instead of ぢ and づ: 寺 (てら tera - temple) / 龍門寺 (りゅうもんじ ryuumonji - [a temple name]) 時 (とき toki - moment) / 時間 (じかん jikan - time) 豆 (まめ mame - bean) / 伊豆 (いず izu - [a place name]) 頭 (あたま atama - head) / 頭巾 (ずきん zukin - hood) In general, it will come with experience which one to use. It's not difficult actually, it's one of those things you'll remember for life once you learn it :3 Sorry for so much information, but the whole topic is very wide. Even native speakers would mix up the uncommon words. If I have not explained it clearly enough please feel free to ask!
  4. Man, those two from your sig, they are my two favourite characters too! XD (You're awesome) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai. Probably similarly reasoned as everyone before me has stated. Plus, her humour/sarcasm is just right on the spot, if that hasn't been mentioned already! Then comes Akai Shuuichi, cos he's just cool like that. Just everything about him. As a bonus, he's an exceptional sniper. Snipers are cool. I like snipers. I really like Okiya too, but... Sometimes I just wish he and... Oh well :P (if you get me) And then there is Gin. He's as dark as the darkest villain can be in a 99% 'realistic' manga. Kudos to Gosho-sensei (no pun intended), his every appearance puts immediate pressure in the atmosphere. But he's just not as cool as Akai. He is the reason I used to love and wear black, haha.
  5. Wow ==" Erm well, I've been a fan of DC since I was 6, two years after it was serialised, work that one out >< But the feeling is, Shinichi will always be older than me XD

  6. Thanks for the add :D won't be so active until finals are over so speak soon!!

  7. Is it just me or is this place a bit dead?...

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      It's not. Yesterday and the day before were up because of spoilers and that carried over everywhere on the forums.

    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Nope. DCW has a necromancer on call at all times to ensure this place remains alive at all times.

    3. 96082


      Well, I do notice the surge in visitors whenever something new is released, manga or film. I guess Gosho-sensei is our very own ultimate necromancer :P

  8. Well half-active, until finals are over! exciting days... You good?

  9. Hiya Detective-db, In modern Japanese, there is absolutely no difference in pronunciation between じ and ぢ (ji). This is also the case between ず and づ (zu). However, words that consist of these syllables should still use their respective characters.
  10. Ello Orangeburst. 'Psalmist' as in the person who writes psalms - 讃美歌作者 (san-bi-ka-saku-sha.) Literally, 讃美歌 SANBIKA means Psalm and 作者 SAKUSHA means author. Note the first character 讃 can also be written as 賛. As an aside, a poet in general is 詩人 (shi-jin) which means poem-person word for word. A bit late for reply, but hope it helps. :)
  11. Ello. I just realised you left a comment almost half a year ago lol. Thanks for the welcoming. I see you're into music too! Keep it up, yo! It's brilliant :) (and remember to practise your scales, haha)

  12. Wow the statistic you've quoted are very exciting. Can't wait to get this movie. Also, not too surprised by these figures you found lol, since I'm part of the 20~29 category, having been a fan for 16-7 years!
  13. Very rough synopsis of first two pages (please feel free to correct me!):
  14. Karasuma Renya? the head of the Crow Association from half a century ago. Maybe they're trying to revive him or something.
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