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Everything posted by anniemay

  1. Yeah early morning the time people are sleeping or getting ready for school. (as for me getting ready for school.)

  2. Hey there Cindy! What you up to?

  3. No Christmas break that has got to suck big time. thanks you for the add and sorry before taking so long to reply back I was at school.

  4. HEHE I thought so.

    Sorry but I goig to watch my show now.

  5. Yeah the curse of being young..HAVING TO GO TO SCHOOL!

  6. She must be busy if she is not on so much.

  7. You heard from Rin-chan lately?

  8. We are on gustar at the moment and the project I spoke of is a self picture with a 2 paragraph explanation.

  9. Yeah! I wish my Spanish teacher would go at a faster pace for me though. (I had some Spanish before and she is teaching the basics)

  10. Within the week I'll have a Spanish project as well.

  11. Yeah almost done though.

  12. Man we have the best thoughts on how to get rid of unwanted books!

  13. Even better the Wal-mart it might by cheapere.

  14. I'm back Cindy! Why didn't I think about Wal-mart for the chainsaw.

  15. be back in a minute got to eat.

  16. Sounds like fun, any ideas where to find a chainsaw?

  17. That is what I had in mind. If you are wondering I really do mean destroy those books.

  18. Same here! Any ideas on how to destroy a set of three books at one time.(books from my after-school program)

  19. Just got back from my after-school program and about to do some homework to.

  20. Cindy!I'm sorry for not getting back I was getting ready for school.

  21. I know but you don't want the teacher mad.

  22. Better get to it or your teacher well get mad.

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