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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Incognito

  1. oh wait! i think i get it.. no more hints!

  2. Hi! I'm good, thanks. ^^ So I looked at your game.. and, well, since I'm neither American nor British, I'm having a hard time figuring out what 'M' and 'CP' stand for. Maybe you could give more hints, like is it an object, a kind of food, something like that. ;P

  3. Sometimes, it seems like you, Shuuichi and Kaoko don't ever sleep. I always find the three of you whenever I visit this site. :P

  4. thanks for the add... and for telling me about the change in the rules of your game ^^ will check it out.

  5. Haha, We thought you were the one whom Gin was asking about. ^^
  6. Really? There are no other 16 year olds here? :?: How about Detective Kaoko?
  7. Detective Conan manga was released!
  8. Lol, because I'm awesome like that. \m/(^.^)\m/
  9. Haha, the proverbial question. Hmm, sometimes that love triangle gets really tiring. I'm not a fan of either of those pairings but if my life depended on it, I'd choose... *drum roll, please* Shinichi-Ran. Why? Because, in my opinion, Ran keeps Shinichi grounded. They sort of balance each other, kinda like yin and yang.

  10. Yes! That's why I said that you should keep on writing. ;) I like the confession part hehe. And it's quite sad that up to the last moment, he didn't feel the same way.

  11. whoop-dee-doo! How are you? ^^

  12. Yeah, so I guess what you mean is that as long as they helped solve the case or is somewhat part of the case, they should be there?

  13. I've finally read one of your stories. This isn't going to be a long review, too, 'coz all I want to say is: Keep on writing! 'nuff said.
  14. Thanks for the friend add ^^ btw, I have a (rather silly) wiki Q: do we put minor characters in the People subsection, say, a CSI or police investigator, or just the victims and suspects? Thanks again!

  15. Yeah, all this time I thought you like that pairing. Lol, that's why I used that pic. At first, I was thinking of using my current avatar as my display pic but decided against it hehe.
  16. I thought it was because you love Kaito and Aoko We could interpret it as babyfaced hehe wub is in the air tonight ahaha It's a bird! Nuuu~~ it's a plane! It's.. Kiel?!
  17. As of the moment, no. It's hell week this week up to next: midterms + projects.. ugh :geek: Have you seen a rainbow lately?
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