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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Incognito

  1. Oh. I'm bipolar then ;p

  2. Monsi, I hope you don't mind but I'm just curious... were you really diagnosed with mild OCD?

  3. lol.. i wish thanks so much! btw, i saw your gallery in dA.. you're pretty good ^^
  4. it's your birthday! happy birthday!! ^^

  5. haha thanks! no, you should.. i love your drawings, too ^^
  6. thank you for the friend add :)

  7. 101 But it's not gonna be fun if there's no one to compete with... *sigh* anyways...
  8. 97 you wanna finish this now, detectiveshinichi? ^^
  9. Yay!!! \(^o^)/ Good job, girls!
  10. hi! thanks for the friend add ^^

  11. yes it is! it's one of my most favourite animes \(^o^)/ i recommend watching the anime or reading the manga hee

  12. thanks for the friend add ^^

  13. yeah.. bad timing *clicks tongue*
  14. Haha I had a feeling it would end up like that.. but I could've at least delayed the inevitable lol.
  15. Haha, I knoww.. I was just kidding ;P Yeah, those last minutes were super fun! If only I didn't have to go..
  16. So chivalry wasn't dead for 2 min? lol That's okayy.. We'll win next time *crosses fingers* Anyway, good job, guys! 'Twas a good fight lol
  17. 6 yeah, me, too. be a gentleman and let me win this time. make me believe that chivalry is not dead haha
  18. 6 oh come on... you know you want to
  19. 6 hahaha let's call a truce for now?
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