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Detective Conan World

Accept Chicken

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Everything posted by Accept Chicken

  1. well it depends, what type of cookie?

  2. what? Dr. Turkey

    ......... it is turkey, right?

  3. how's this, i hope you have a great summer and the rest of year.

  4. what do you mean, is it not self-explanitory?

  5. maybe i have, ok so i dug it in a hole where your magic cant reach and put dirt and deadly worms over it. ha

  6. i thought you were going to say 1 week but two weeks is still pretty funny...wait does that mean you only have almost 2 months of summer?

  7. dude, you're still in school right now. i'm sure that 98% of people are out of school right now. anyone would find that funny. :D

  8. The A Team by Ed Sheeran is such a wierd song but to me it seems pretty catchy, i keep playing it. (}:

  9. it's the middle of june, and your still in school. Yes, that's sike because instead of feeling sorry for you, i'm laughing at you. you know it's funny.

  10. well thats a good for you.........sike

  11. why not?

    your still in school


  12. actually conan/shinichi was good at music but not good at his vocals, that was it but i would say i would be better at religion than him
  13. letting my dog be scared of everything like paper
  14. my dog refuses to do anything today!

    1. Accept Chicken

      Accept Chicken

      because he was sad that we abandoned him the day before,we had to go to the store

    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Well, I hope he's happy now. :)

    3. Accept Chicken
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. oh, well, why not?

    wait, you get out later this month?


  16. i am doing awesome, it is summer vacation........ but as a professor,ok because my career is not on vaca .... of course. :D

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