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About KeyChain3094

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  • Birthday 09/30/1994

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  1. (TT_TT) My mother went to Sarawak to further her study, for the whole 2-weeks holiday.. Now, I'm the one who has to do all the dishes and the chores because I'm the only daughter and my 2 younger brothers won't help me.. They only play the games.... So, maybe, I won't be able to go online as often as I used to......... Sorry guys............. D:

    1. Valkyrie


      Aw.... I'll be waiting for you to come back! :)

      And if your bros don't want to help you, kick them hard. xP

      That's what I do anyway.

    2. rosa antena litani

      rosa antena litani

      do it with your smile. I know you can do it without your brother :)

    3. KeyChain3094


      @Valkryie: Haha, thanks! Noo, I'm afraid they'll kick me back.. D:

      Haha, just kidding.. :D

      @rosa antena litani: Hi there! Thanks for the advice, though it's a little hard to that.. ^^" Anyway, I'll try my best! XD

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