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Detective Conan World


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About miss-anonymouss

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  1. oh my comment is still there :)

    and sry i couldnt be very responsive

    but i gotta go eat now.

    so ttyl! :D

  2. .... I still have yet to run into any anons yet. :|

  3. Ah, whoops. I accidentally deleted your comment... DX Could you re-send that?

  4. gomen ne~ for the late reply D:

    ^ ^; got a tad bit side track

    my friend called me for some hw help.

  5. Quite well. Just editing my signature atm. And you?

  6. I really hope to see more Akemi/Akai in the upcoming chapters. >w< ((Note: Yes. I know he had long hair when he dated Akemi. Just pretend they're both dead in this picture so I can get away with it. XD)) BONUS:
  7. Hmm, I think it'd be nice if we could delete our own comments on threads and topics we make when we wanted to.

  8. S'cuse me. My mistake. Just found it. Please lock this. I dunno why it didn't show up in the search results the first time I checked. Must've typed something incorrect or searched the wrong forum. :oops:
  9. To be honest, I'm kinda surprised no one's made a topic about this yet. Since it's looks like DCW has been doing them for at least a year. But, I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts on them. Anything you'd like to add or maybe comment on, in relation to the topics they discuss?
  10. lol I knew someone was gonna mention that. XD Well, no one specified. Besides, they're still based on Aoyama's work so I figured, "Ah, who cares". And there are people who don't actually follow the manga either so... XD
  11. Slowly but surely finishing up the rest of these movies. I think they're just progressively getting worse after 9... -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nis-aihara


      yeah. but movie 12... not bad.

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Movie 11 was crappy, but 12 is good. 13 has a great kind of winding case storyline, and 15 is just awesome. But I'd advise you against movie 14. I don't know what they were thinking besides 'fanservice' and surroundings to use in a cheesey action scene.

    4. miss-anonymouss


      I enjoy M14 only for the fact that I can laugh at and make fun of it. M12 wasn't bad, but I feel as though it's missing something... Not even getting into 10 and 11. I think I hate 11 almost as much as I hate 6. Welp. Here's to hoping 13 and 15 make up for the past suckage.

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