But uh, Hi! I cannot explain how much I've used the Wiki here, so I thought I should join. When I type in "de" on my browser, it autofills the wiki :3 I post occasionally on the DCTP, so I hope there's no rivalries or anything.
I supposed I should also mention how/when I got into DT? I first saw it on Adult Swim in 2004? and fell in love. My then roommate, originally from Japan, told me her brother had an entire shelf on his bookcase of nothing but Detective Conan manga. This was a huge deterrent as at the time it was hard to find good translations and I knew Case Closed only went to the 50's in the anime. I was also preoccupied with university. This past March I discovered it was all subtitled online, and the manga is pretty easy to find and keep up with. I wasn't working that month, and did a huge marathon of all the anime, and have been catching up on the older manga now and then. I've also gone through all Magic Kaitou. I tend to like anime and cartoons more than manga and comics, as I'm a big fan of voice work, storyboarding and gesture. However once I get into it, I love all of it. There's nothing quite like hearing the voice of a character in your head as you read what they say.
Uhhhhhh I have a degree in sequential art and have a thing for police dramas. I also run the F!Yeah Takagi Tumblr.