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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by BUNNY DETECTIVE

  1. Yes. Hehehe oh igtg bye sorry :(. But here 109 pound CHOCLAte. :)

  2. Happy new years to you ^\\\\\\^ here candy *takes out *. Heehehehe :)

  3. Happy new years to you ^\\\\\^ here * takes out candy *. Here you go ....

  4. Lol. / well I hope you get better ^\\\\\^. So what are you doing now ?

  5. Happy new years ^\\\\\\\^ here CHOCLAte * gives to you *!^\\\\^

  6. Happy new years here * hand you * CHOCLAte. ^\\\\\\^ have a great new year

  7. Happy new years friend still haven't thought of anything XD. Here * takes out * CHOCLAte happy new years ^\\\\\\^

  8. Happy new years here * takes out * CHOCLAte have a great year friend ^\\\\\^

  9. DX awwwwwww........ >~< on a new year or before a new year :( I'm sorry .... Here * warm soup *. Hope you get better ^\\\\\\^ and a * blanket*

  10. Happy new years to you here * takes out * CHOCLAte ^\\\\\\\\\^

  11. Happy new years to you ^\\\\\\\^

  12. Thanks oh here * takes out * CHOCLAte :) happy new year

  13. Hey. ^\\\\^ happy new year * gives you * CHOCLAte ....... Here you go for being my friend ^\\\\\\\\^

  14. Happy new year to you ^\\\\\\^ hands you CHOCLAte lol

  15. Happy new year * Takes out * CHOCLAte Here you go ..... •\\\\\\•

  16. ^\\\\\\^ thanks for being my friend

  17. Oops I forgot the chocolate here you go * takes it out * here you go friend ^\\\\\^ and thanks for being my friend too

  18. Hahahaha >v< lol how are you

  19. Happy new years * takes out a chocolate here you go ^\\\\\\\\^

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