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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by BUNNY DETECTIVE

  1. Welcome too DCW *looks down* man im saying the same thing hmmmmm,...i got it

    heheheh XD helllloooooo i hope you enjoy your stay here at DCW,.^_^ Metantei,....have fun,.. talk to people and well just a good time here ok bye

    ^_^ from Bunny

  2. wow ,.. i was scrolling down on my friends list and your picture caught me off gaurd -__-

    *scaired me,.... but cool pic =P

  3. noooo theres no school this week -____- grrrrrr.... if you dont come on ill...... ill,...... i dont know =P heeeheehehe

  4. how did they exams go today ?

  5. XD ,..hahhaha , how are you?

  6. chu in mangas mean kiss heheehheehe

    oh the reason why is because what if you come and im not here, i wouldnt want you to come here for no reason -__- ok good night ^_^

  7. ^/////^ hahaha sweet dreams dont let the bed bugs bite

    gives you a good night kiss *chu* ^//_//^ good night Skyler

  8. ^/////^ i cant wait, but i dont know when im visiting California again,... so ill find out later then,... when i find out,.. ill tell you so we can meet for sure ^_^ heheheheeh,....

  9. ^//_//^ heheheeheh,... sorry im still blushing

    haahah you want to whatch a lot of movies with me dont you,..=( man we all ways say but we still havent meet -///_//- *sigh*

  10. XD hahaha i like you too much <3

    thats cute ^///-///^

    hmmmmmmm,... if you notice all this week we been talking more and more about are relationship <3 its cute ^_^ and sweet

  11. ^/////////////^ i would love too sing with you <3 but i think,.. when you go too.. the We should be lovers part.... i think i cant sing after that -////////////////- *sigh* and the kiss did make it so much sweeter,... -/////////- oh gosh i think im going to learn the song then in my dreams we will do that , sigh great now im going to blush in my dreams >///////////<

  12. i would so be the girl,.... heheh saying for you to get down ^////////////////////^

  13. O//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O

  14. XD hahahaah,... hmmmmmm its 3 but here you go >=D hahaah grrrrr,.... i cant do it with out blushing -//////- dang

  15. haah i repeted that song the last time but i <3 it ^/////^ *blow kiss* >=D heheehehehhe

  16. XD haha well mine was done by a girl who wanted to sing it

    *happy* ^/////-/////^ i like it when you do that,... send songs too me ^///////^ heheehhe

  17. XD haha i have heared of it but it was done ny a girl but ill listen =)

  18. XD hahaa its seems good,... whats it about ?

    if may i ask =)

  19. i was doing something =P

  20. ahhh , i see me too just they other day when you called and my sis went in my room she started to name out the guy that i used too,.. like,... but i said no,.. and so she started naming other guys name -___- im in the same boat

    its just i dont want my friends too be like oh theres so and so and hes single, then me ill be like,... i have a boyfriend,.oh/////// well yeah they will ask too

  21. heeheh and ill be ready i think ?//////

    hhhmmmmmmmmm,.... oh so we are dating its just on here -_-

  22. hhhmmmmmmm,...... no not yet,.. =) im waiting for a day too say it =P

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