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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Fernandina

  1. Hallo! I'm Fernandina, and I am from Mexico. ~Nice to meet you all ^^ Well... I ADORE DC and the fandom arround it. I'm an otaku. -> http://myanimelist.net/profile/Artemis-Flamel#lastcomment I love to read, specially if it's about mystery, thrill, detectivesque, fantasy, or historical novels. I also love movies that are about those genders, including those of superheroes and action. :} I'm a 20 year old girl who is studyind a bachelor in Biotechnological engineering. I like melodic metal music, rock, latin, classical, opera, J-rock... and a lot more of strange things. My favourite character... I'd have to say that is Vermouth. I think she has an interesting personality. I'm in love with Kaitou Kid, though. He's my 3° first love <3 Mn... don't know what more can I say. Feel free to ask! ^^
  2. Aww... Thank you!! :D

  3. Thank you very much!! ^^

  4. Thank you very much ^^ !

    Sorry that I can't be here as often as I would like to. The college sometimes can be very demanding @_@


  5. I've just arrived here, so I don't know much about how things work here...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bicoy


      welcome!!! make an introduction and just post! Enjoy! Nice to meet u!

    3. Bicoy


      welcome!!! make an introduction and just post! Enjoy! Nice to meet u!

    4. aina2912


      hey, nice to meet you but i also new here :)

  6. Hallo!

    Thank you very much ^^ I'll do :)

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