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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Skye-kun

  1. Sorry, Bunny. It's been really long, hasn't it? I got really sick and was stuck in the hospital.

  2. Man, try four months in the hospital with NO INTERNET CONNECTION! I feel like I've been deleted from society.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakila


      Wait a second, you idiot, it was five months! And you didn't deserve internet :P

    3. Saiki-chan


      yep sakila's right it was 5 months

    4. Sakila


      See? SEE?!

      How come u no log on anymore?

  3. I do like it so far. I haven't gotten a chance to scout out the forums yet, but everyone I've met seems fun ^^ Thanks for checking up on me, lol!

  4. Thanks for the add ^^

  5. Thank you! You like Inuyasha? Cool!

  6. Ah, thanks! Hmm....your profile pic is from... Fairy Tail, right?

  7. :D Thanks. And did you recently change yours? Last night, it looked more like...the Jigoku Shoujo.

    Mohorovicic? Are you related to the seismologist?

  8. How about a deal? You can call me Skye if I can call you Vince :P

    Jeez.....I really should go :D Bye!

  9. Bye!

    PS. Just call me Skye :)

  10. Hey, uh, Bunny, I have to go now. I'll see ya later, kay? Bye! :)

  11. Yeah, thank goodness!

    Well, Inuyasha did get kinda slow in the middle....but I still liked it :)

    Hey, I gotta go now! Later....uh...Edogawa-kun? What should I call you?

  12. Well, I like InuYasha, Bleach, a little Soul Eater, Higurashi and Umineko.....I actually think Naruto is a little overrated, but I still watch it :P

  13. Oh....I was a bit confused at first, sorry xDD

  14. So bunnies are psychic? Cool.

  15. AH! I see! Hehe...sorry....I might be losing brain cells at the moment.....

  16. Huh? Uh....sorry, I'm kinda lost...

  17. Sorry....um wait...what's enough?

  18. Hmmm...yeah, I see your point :P

    Plus, here's what I don't get. Her dad's a detective, her boyfriend's a detective, her mom's a lawyer, and yet she never seems to handle death well.....The Detective Boys seem to do it better than her...

  19. HAHA...Nooo, no need to apologize....I just thought it was kinda weird.....

  20. I used to know a guy who knew another guy who did the same thing. Hit his head on a telephone post and was jerked out of the car window.......

    Maybe....I'll just dream about it ^_^""

  21. Ahaha! You have just witnessed my expert finding skills! How epic! xDDD JK

    So I take it, you're ConAi?

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