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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Dear Anonymous, I really don't know what to say. -me. ------- Dear Anonymous, Do NOT USE ME, for god's sake, as your voice. It's no fun. It's not nice to have my voice controlled around to read whatever you're supposed to read just because I do it better than the rest of the class. I told yooooouuuu I don't like it. What d'you mean, you need accurate reading? Is yours not accurate? How can a deen teacher not know how to read Quraan properly? Anyway, now to more important matters. OF COURSE THEY SHOULD ASK YOU ABOUT THAT. Even if you haven't memorized the Quraan, any teacher teaching the Quraan should know good grammar, and they didn't ask you about grammar in general, GRAMMAR IN IT. It's your own language, you ARE 100% expected not as a teacher, but as a person whom this is a mother tongue of, to know such things. And especially as a teacher. And ESPECIALLY in that example you gave, the change in the end of the word would make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. ANY slight mistake in those symbols could make a HUMUNGOUS DIFFERENCE. And ANY deen teacher MUST know that. And since you say it's EVERYONE'S responsibility to do that properly, then shouldn't teachers like you be the ones it is MOST expected from? You TEACH, you're supposed to be knowledgeable about this. Yes I am defying your college professors 'cause I don't care what they say; it's such a stupid thing to say. Anyway, I really had a nice time arguing with you today, and I'm really happy you aren't offended. -The Student You Use as Your Voice. ------- Dear Anonymous, COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! T-T HE'S BEING MORE MISBEHAVING AND ANNOYING THAN EVER. T-T I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU CAN SURVIVE THIS. -His sister. T-T
  2. Oh. I assumed you liked milk since you like yogurt.
  3. 3? 1. I like to give people hugs. 2. I'm fine with people touching me. 3. I hate it when I smile at someone and they don't smile back.
  4. Dear Anonymous, You make me wanna cry. It feels awful when I see that and remember.
  5. 10/10 for the pic because that's my expression to you recently. Signature: 5/10.
  6. N-not really, honestly speaking. Offensive.
  7. .... Well I don't. T-T Sorry then. 10020
  8. Never tried, but they seem boring. Often takes risks.
  9. ^...Oh. I don't finish 100% uninteresting anime. D:
  10. Dear Anonymous, "Look how ashamed I was in front of my friend because of you!" Isn't that what you're going to say? Yeah, probably. But I won't say this in real life, so here we go: I told you I wanted to leave. I told you but you had me stay. Listen, don't boast about me like I'm some pretty object. If I wanted to boast I'd do it without your help. I'm a lot better in it than you are. So when I ignore on purpose, don't act oblivious. Don't push me further. I thought you were smarter (and a great deal of things better) than me when you were my age. So have you gone stupid and dull now? I wonder. Don't the hours I spend alone in my beautifully dim-lit room tell you enough how much I like privacy? Mention ONE person I openly show or tell anything I do to. So now I'm being showed off to every other guest like I'm a some new piece of furniture? Well, in case you did not notice, I'm not. I am your daughter; I am also human. I've been enduring THAT for four days and you should know how horrible it is. I don't feel like acting like some smart and sweet and pretty girl I am not in front of your friends whenever they come, and I definitely didn't feel like doing it this time. I'm sick of it. And I TOLD you I WAS tired. And you are by no way my means of socializing with people, so when I TOLD you I needed to leave you didn't have to start telling me to tell her this and that when I made it clear I'd rather not. Haven't you ever heard me say the most boastful things of my self, never seriously? If I wanted to boast anytime I'd just say them seriously. It's great fun, you know, giving compliments. If I wanted to I'd never stop. I could be as boastful as I poet. And not all your trusty friends are mine too, and I'm not half as open to my close friends as you are to yours. And you've got too much trusty friends, in my opinion. And they come over too much. -The DAUGHTER.
  11. It is. Or at least the episodes I watched before I couldn't take it anymore were.
  12. @Light: Well, yeah. But look at One Piece, for example. D: Kimi ni Todoke is one boring, seemingly pointless anime.
  13. Hm... always putting people to shame when they try to defy a strong opinion of mine. What is one thing you think a lot of?
  14. Probably not. Hopefully. >_< Thinks DC will end soon.
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