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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Not THAT often. Is always worried about something.
  2. I want a Niisan. T-T Do I get to have one, Lec-chan?
  3. Am I interrupting here? Anyway, Satan-chan? XD
  4. See below. Would it be interesting if everyone kept asking questions like that?
  5. @Lec-chan: Light isn't mean. ):<
  6. Dear Anonymous, Heh, how careless. It's been five years already. And by the time you'll finish it'd be another five years. So yes, please??? ------- Dear Anonymous, Ugh. The thought of your existence in this way is nauseating. -me.
  7. I dreamt that someone who means the world to me got seriously injured and did not survive. Woke up in shock and relief.
  8. Yeah, but why the .0? Or is that there just for fun?
  9. Fast enough. Why do we have to write in ink at school?
  10. Did I miss a lot here? And why is Light called Satan?
  11. Pretty high I shock myself sometimes. XD Can you whistle?
  12. My mother is banning sweets for the next two weeks. I wonder if she wants to see me die.
  13. May we change the subject here?
  14. Yep. But Mello has chocolate. <3 MISA. L or Near + Mello?
  15. So you're saying that you were just spamming and that shouldn't count?
  16. The most perfect person on earth~ What do you think of yourself?
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