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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. He's nice. What do you think of Erza? (member, not character)
  2. I wonder what that was supposed to mean. XD
  3. Light, do you have a freaky wise-ish mode you can switch to in such cases or something? At some point in life you realize you don't understand yourself. Or maybe you decide so.
  4. Really. Well maybe not super genius, but I think you're closer to genius than not.
  5. Does it matter? I did in the end, right?
  6. Super geniuses just happen to be. Does not depend on whether you get sent to any kind of school or not.
  7. Sweets. But that would be unhealthy. Rem or Ryuk?
  8. I can barely remember the song, Zubi-chan, do you expect me to remember who sang it?
  9. Dear Anonymous, WHAT kind of person would believe such a pathetic joke? Yeah, you. I really forgot about that. Next time, Darling, learn to use your brain a little before you go and try to spread rumors. Alright? -Currently Number 11. ------- Dear Anonymouses, You know what I really really really really really wanna tell you but would NEVER do so because I, thankfully, have a little decency and respect? IN. YOUR. FACE. Random Student.
  10. 3. 1. I tend to get cold very quickly 2. I like to wear rings 3. I have a few friends.
  11. Expect me to remember? But it was called "Nice Guys", wasn't it?
  12. I can certainly annoy them. But I try not to. Do you think it is okay to tease teachers?
  13. ...Why was everyone talking about preschool? I love preschool.
  14. I can eat it. I prefer it over most veggies. What time does your school start?
  15. @Light: Believe me, you DO NOT want them.
  16. Anything with some action or mystery or interesting war. And classics. And sometimes dystopian. Do you think spelling in English is hard?
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