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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. snowflake


    Definitely not. No story can be told like it was on the Quran. AAAH. My point here is that it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO CLASSIFY THE QURAN AS A FORM OF LANGUAGE ON ITS OWN LIKE YOU MENTIONED IN YOUR FIRST POST HERE. Reasons mentioned in previous posts. Both are called فصحى. And there probably isn't a word for that in English. Like always, in this case I'm sick of arguing because I'm pretty sure I'm right. XD (I'm being sarcastic here) Argument closed.
  2. And she said boyfriend, didnt she?
  3. But there is a difference between boyfriend and boy friend, right?
  4. XD My cousin is always taking pics of me without me knowing. D:
  5. What kind of discussion are you two having? XD
  6. ^Just like me. I don't like having pics of me on other people's devices, and I don't like taking them in the first place. >_<
  7. snowflake


    There IS a decent number of people who know Arabic well enough to understand the Quran without reading تفسير whatsoever. It's not like the Quran came down with words that never existed before. They were words that existed, expressions that existed, and the very few new religious terms in the Quran were derived from words that existed before that. What, did God send a book with new unclear words no one that time had ever heard of? NO. The meaning was very clear to Arabs than because that was the language they spoke. In the Quran, countless times, it says ((آيات بينات)) about the Quran's verses, meaning they are clear to understand and yet are rich and nothing could match them. Plus, if what you're calling MSA and CA are different things, how come there's a single word, فصحى, for them in Arabic?Only in the Quran can you find rich language? You really should read poetry. Of course in NO WAY do I mean that there is anything richer than the Quran, it's just there's A LOT of poetry before, during, and after the prophet's life. And it is said about the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم that he ((أوتي جوامع الكلم)), and 'Aisha رضي الله عنها once said something that meant "he spoke in very simple language that really anyone could understand". The إعجاز in the Quran isn't the individual words themselves; they existed beforehand, and like I said previously any other terms were derived from previously-existing words. It's the way the words perfectly fit together, the way they were used. And, unlike poetry, there was no ضرورة شعرية WHATSOEVER to make the Quran rhyme when it did. The way it told of stories of people or prophets many centuries or millenniums ago that know one or few had heard of before is also called إعجاز, and the way it sometimes told of the future, and the way any scientific information in it is 100% true, though people never scientifically proved it until MUCH afterwards. -Lexis: Of course, people's فصحى language has weakened because of the very common use of عامية (colloquial Arabic). But if you go back to old literature, you'll find lots of vocabulary used that is also used in the Quran. Also, though this doesn't exactly count, some خطباء might use language from the Quran, or take expressions from it. -Stylistics: I have nothing against that; it IS, of course, the finest piece of literature by far, and no piece of literature could surpass the Quran. My argument here isn't that the Quran isn't the finest, most precise, or richest piece of Arabic literature; it is. What I'm trying to say is it makes no sense to consider the Quran on its own a whole different form of te language, reasons stated above. Like I said above, I meant in the first quote that the usage of Arabic, the figurative language, the rich yet comprehensible language and examples, and its telling of الغيب (events in the past or future no one knew then that only God knew) is what surprised them. In the second quote I'm just saying that, unlike now, people wouldn't need تفسير or anything to understand the Quran; the words and vocabulary used in it was nothing new. It's just the usage of Arabic, the expressions, etc that made it unmatchable. Again, I mean in NO way that ANYTHING or any text is like the Quran; I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to consider it a whole form of language on its own.
  8. Do we have to wait for her to reply or should we just continue talking?
  9. @Light: Is it a song, though?
  10. snowflake


    ^Did you get that from the Internet? I... don't... see that as exactly true. "Classic Arabic" isn't really something. It's not just found in reading the Quran. When the Quran first came down that was how people used to speak, and many centuries later they still spoke it. "Modern Standard Arabic" many people might see very different from "Classic Arabic", but it's not. Due to many foreigners joining Islam over the centuries and settling down in Arab countries, what you've called "Colloquial Arabic" has formed over time. But original Arabic, "Modern Standard Arabic", is still used. Why it's different from what you've called "Classic Arabic" is because, unfortunately, lots of Arabs' Arabic has weakened, and so when they speak the original language ("Modern Standard Arabic") it is a lot more basic than the language used in the Quran, which is very rich in language that even people of the prophet's صلى الله عليه و سلم time were surprised. So there's really no such thing as "Classic Arabic" and "Modern Standard Arabic" they're the same thing but the former happens to use richer words and meanings, due to modern people's... ignorance of it.
  11. But don't you think the rules are very simple? Or does she mean what were talking about is confusing?
  12. Ooh, I'd like to see that. XD
  13. Dear Anonymous, Writing... that's... perfect. It's good your writing. Helpful, isn't it? And what you showed me... that was... AMAZING. Oh, it's so like you how you're dealing with this. Write and talk. You'd better be top in English this year, huh? </3 Keep that up though And now you're making me feel bad. You're the only reason I'm hesitating here, mind that. T_T I'll come see you as much as I can, I promise. I MISS YOU SO MUCH, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. AAAAGH, I'M GONNA MISS TEACHERS SCOLDING US BECAUSE WE WERE READING EACH OTHERS' JOURNALS IN CLASS. XD And then they'd fall speechless when we answered their questions on the lesson... XD Well... see you soon. <3333333333333 -Your friend.
  14. Can't you read and find out?
  15. Because, well, I happen to get things faster than everyone else does. And if I don't I just memorize it and ask for an explanation later on. There, I just caught up with my seniors yesterday. Our Arabic curriculum is VERY weak. I swear, I haven't learned anything from it since fourth grade. And everything else is at least 60% repitition from previous years which some students have forgotten and I haven't. Plus, time is used up while a teacher either does "quick" revision or re-explains to students who weren't paying attention or tries to get the class in order or make them quiet down or lectures/punishes students who were misbehaving. So learning on my own is much faster and A LOT more productive. I just need good books, and those are found in any bookstores here.
  16. It didn't really sound like one, did it?
  17. I could get at least seven times better education if I stayed at home.@Zubi-chan: Why?
  18. ^The part I like is when I get a chance to draw.
  19. Its true. I HATE SCHOOL... 99.99%.
  20. Er... was that supposed to be a relative question?
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