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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. *agrees with Lovestruck for once in this thread*
  2. snowflake


    ^I think "proper" Arabic is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH prettier. Much. Though it is kinda fun to try and figure out which dialect words come from which original words, or from which language they come from.
  3. Real studying starts tomorrow, I think, now that we got our school books...
  4. snowflake


    Wait, which one do you like?This one: أمس احنا رحنا المدرسة و كان طفش Or this one: يا من يعز علينا أن نفارقهم... وجداننا كل شيء بعدكم عدم I like the second one; original Arabic. Actual Arabic. It's such a rich language with trillions of very precise words and perfectly logical grammar. XD Never mind me. *in love with Arabic*
  5. ^I'm sorry, wrong thread.
  6. Nah, I won't punch. I think I'll kick instead.
  7. snowflake


    EVERYONE speaks with an accent. No one speaks original proper Arabic, and if they did there still are accents or something like that in Arabic. You're welcome! Oh XD Judging from your location, you're Egyptian?
  8. ^There. D: But I though you were on team Misa.
  9. DCW hasn't been connecting recently. On the computer it just says it can connect, on my iPad it just loads forever.

    1. Sakila


      XD that's what I meant by "it's back"

    2. snowflake


      Yeah, just saw that. XD

    3. Arima


      I didn't miss DCW sooooo much xP

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  10. D: Why do I get the feeling he's some womanizer? I'll punch anyone who denies that I'm the winner.
  11. D: I don't exactly know who he is, but I don't like him.
  12. Oh, look!!! Now you both became losers!
  13. ^*shakes head* tsk, tsk. You're not the last poster.
  14. <3333333 And Light too, right?
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