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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Cullen. (does that count?) What does bicycle rhyme with?
  2. Yep! And Light with me. Nope. With Light. Not right. Baka, he wanted YOU to call ME Misa.
  3. Too much of them. Noisy laughter and people, mainly. Do you wear sneakers often?
  4. Dear Anonymous, Oh, you didn't mess up my room while I was gone. Oh, no, the book on the third shelf wasn't placed on the second and the two stone hearts on my desk weren't moved out of position. Nor was my drawer rummaged through and no one put seven extra batteries in there. Oh, no, I know you didn't go through my room, not at all. Listen, I'm ONLY letting it slide THIS TIME BECAUSE I miss you so much. Hear that? Heh. You won't listen anyway. WELL AT LEAST WAKE UP SO WE CAN HAVE BREAKFAST TOGETHER!!! -Your sister.
  5. Leg. What does biology rhyme with?
  6. XD XD XDgetting run over by a care because you were daydreaming while walking on the street.
  7. Suffocating because your head got stuck in a plastic bag.
  8. Well did anyone notice now? :p
  9. Now I came, you can stop arguing on meaningless lies.
  10. Uuh... if its not an icy dangerous mountain, then sure, mountain. Orange or apple?
  11. Didn't you notice, even if it was a day or two?
  12. NO. Didn't you see that I have "WINNER" painted on my forehead?
  13. My grandmother's house. She lives elsewhere and we're going to her tomorrow, hopefully. How did you meet your closest friend?
  14. If its something good, half full. Bad, half empty. Pencil or paintbrush?
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