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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh...
  2. You're welcome! I never post my drawings
  3. Ooh, we're all online at once.
  4. Have fun, and when I get bored I'd call someone to send me a helicopter. What would you do if you were caught cheating?
  5. Awesome!!! I planned to draw her too as soon as I finish what I'm drawing... +1!
  6. Autumn peeked out of the metal door. She felt slightly relieved seeing other doors like hers; perhaps she was not the only one whom this had happened to. Then she heard that crazy voice from some speaker. She automatically covered her hands with her ears out of surprise. What was it saying something... something about answers... Slowly, she uncovered her ears. A sense of déjà vu flashed through her mind for a moment. Where had she heard this voice before? As she walked down the corridor, she tried to remember why this voice seemed familiar. The more she thought, the more she doubted it. Autumn heard a noise from ahead. She looked up to see a bunny-like robot... What happened to real bunnies? Why don't people have them anymore? A robot-bunny... that's not nice, she thought. Then the same voice from before started speaking, saying something about the robot-bunnies. That's so cruel, Autumn thought, taking a small step forward. But then she saw the robot turn and charge at her. Her feet were running before the thought of running passed her brain. Great, she thought, I'm running away from my goal now. She was headed the direction the room she had woken up in was. She dashed towards its door, but didn't open when she tried to open it. Now the robot was closer to her than ever. She ran until she reached the beginning of the corridor, where she stood flat against the wall. Now, if it is possible to dodge the robot at the perfect moment and make it crash into the wall, she thought, just like in movies...
  7. I always carry a tiny red notebook and my favorite pen in my pocket wherever I go.
  9. What time is it at your place?
  10. It's a huge rubber band, so I shoot it at you and you're knocked over. Then before you can get up a train passes... A bookmark.
  11. Dear Anonymous, What happened then is nothing compared to what happened later. I should take chances, shouldn't I? Before its all over. -me. ------- Dear Anonymous, I think I understand how you feel. Something about your tone tells me to stay away. Don't push yourself too much. -me.
  12. Yaaay you shared your art! I like the Vermouth <3 it's amazing! Really!!
  13. Where are you these days? :( I haven't seen you active much.

    1. A L

      A L

      final exams OTL

    2. snowflake


      Oh. Don't pressure yourself!

  14. Currently drinking coffee. This totally made my day...
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