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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Friends made me a surprise party and one of them took a pic of me as a entered the room and nearly got a heart attack. I have NO idea how it happened, but when she intended to send it to me in an email entitled "BLACKMAIL," it got to one of my teachers instead.
  2. Dear Anonymous, I hope it is. I'm too afraid to say it directly <3 Sincerely, Never mind. ------- Dear Anonymouses, Anonymous 1: stop being such a jerk. Can't you get serious when you need to be? Anonymous 2: STOP BEING SUCH A SHOWOFF. Well unfortunately you don't have anything to show off. Or at least no one is interested (IN YOUR FACE.) That doesn't mean you have to lie. So much for being a "royal"... Anonymous 3: Walk around chasing people. It's annoying to walk knowing there's someone you immensely dislike right behind you. And don't try to fit yourself in with the "other girls" 'cause that's not gonna work. And FOR GOD'S SAKE IF YOU DON'T KNOW DON'T FAKE. Anonymous 4: STOP CHEATING. IT'S NOT OKAY. Anonymous 5: that friend of yours, number 8... do you know how much she changed you? Do you know who that two-faced ***** really is? Don't try to act tough and ignorant and... disgusting. I feel bad for your former friend who I think has seen the same change I've seen. You've become shameless. In a BAD BAD BAD way. Anonymous 6: oh. That's me. Anonymous 7: STOP LYING AND EXAGGERATING AND FAKING AND TRYING TO BE POPULAR BECAUSE EVERYONE'S FINE WITH WHO YOU ARE AND NO ONE GIVES A DAMN THAT YOU HAVE LD SO DOOOOOOOOOON'T MAKE SUCH EXAGGERATIONS AND DON'T TRY TO SEPARATE FRIENDS. UGH. YOU AND YOU DUO... I HATE YOU GUYS. LIARS. FAKERS. EXAGGERATORS. Anonymous 8: Ever since you showed up my life has become chaos. I know it's a plot by you and your "frenemy." Do you know how... ABUSIVE, RUDE, and DESPISED it is? Stop tearing people apart. It's okay that there are people better than you in life. TWO-FACED *****!!!!!! Anonymous 9: Ugh. It's okay to try to be funny, BUT WHEN SOMEONE SAYS STOP BECAUSE YOUR TOTALLY PISSING THEM OFF THEN STOP! YOU CAN BE EXTREMELY INSISTING AND ANNOYING YOU KNOW. Anonymous 10: Another attention-seeking *****. You and your friend's hacking plot... I know all about that. I know about the pictures, the email, EVERYTHING. WAIT TILL I FIND EVIDENCE. Anonymous 11: YOU DIRTY-MINDED SH*T. Don't lie about people who you barely know!!!!! When you reported me to admin, she came in, closed the door, and said, "I know she's being dramatic and that she's exaggerating and that you'd NEVER do such a thing. So just ignore her. Anyway, any good books you're reading lately?" IN. YOUR. FACE. Everyone hates you because of your arrogance, you dirty-mindedness. LOOK HOW YOU CHANGED HER, A PERSON I KNOW ONLY GAVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU BECAUSE SHE WAS FEELING PITIFUL. I HOPE SOMEONE SHOWS YOU WHAT YOU DESERVE ONE DAY. YOU DESERVE TO BE IN THE TOILET, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE ALL SH*T IS. AND FOR GODS SAKE DON'T TELL ON POOR PEOPLE LIKE HER. Anonymous 12: ...You... She... Transformed you. Don't you realize? CAN'T you realize? I hope, by any chance, that you realize one day and come back, come back to who you were once. All Anonymouses: You're annoying, you piss me off, I hate you. The angry one, Number 6.
  3. Tomboy. What does anonymous rhyme with?
  4. I watched the first few episodes of this after I rewatched the old version. I like the old one muuuuuuch better. The characters look nicer, the voices are nicer, and the plot is nicer.
  5. http://tamhub.com/challenge/1052 Just a competition I was having a look at...
  6. The Lord of the Rings on pause. Now reading the Hobbit.
  7. deem. What does quarrel rhyme with?
  8. Correct! Uh... 2? 1. I have a desk in my room, and it's white. 2. I have a rocking chair in my room, and it's light brown. 3. I have a closet in my room, and it's light brown.
  9. No, I'm queen. But if you want you can be king
  10. Dear Classmates, STOP MAKING FUN OF MY DIALECT!!! -the odd one out.
  11. It was 1. I guess yours is 3. You don't dislike, you hate. (you can be an early it'd and a night owl at the same time, right? Like me.) 1. I like brownies. 2. I like coffee-flavored ice cream. 3. I like vanilla cake.
  12. I'm queen here. Too bad.
  13. Because they are trying to include themselves when everyone hates them because they're annoying (conclusion after dealing with several of them). Have you ever met two people with identical personalities?
  14. I love math and can do it faster than an average student my age, but I'm VERY, VERY, VERY (x100) bad in subtraction.
  15. Dear Anonymous, Of course I'm angry. It doesn't make sense. You asked for something, I gave you that thing, and then it's rejected because you expected an additional something. Well too bad for you. I can't read minds. Sincerely, I'm-sure-you-know-who.
  16. No it was 3. I don't have a laptop. I guess 3. 1. My school uniform includes a pink skirt. 2. My school uniform includes a pink shirt. 3. My school uniform includes gray pants.
  17. snowflake


    That's 3 "ra"s, AL.
  18. I started drawing Kiraaaaaaaaaaaaa \o/

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