Dear Anonymous,
DON'T YOU DARE blame my brother for something he didn't do. When he says he didn't do it, it means he didn't, because as annoying as he can be, even though he sometimes hides the truth by playing with puns, he NEVER lies. He's the most truthful person I've ever seen on earth. So when he says "I did not hit THAT PERSON" it means he did not. You blame you own fault, your irresponsibility on my brother, who is completely innocent in this case? Anyway, even if he DID hit that guy, who was the one who brought him down here, who was the one who carelessly left two young children alone in a hotel? She was CRYING, she was ANGRY, HER HEART WAS ON FIRE FROM WHAT YOU DID. One of them tried to run away. You knew she was craving for a quiet night where she could concentrate, and yet you carelessly leave them without saying a word? And not anywhere, but in a hotel in one of the most dangerous cities on earth? I'm very angry at you, at the fact that she had to waste that whole night where she was planning to do good in fixing what YOU did. Just how careless can you be? Ugh, seriously, I'd rather be anything but a person like you if I ever become a mother.
Then you blame EVERYTHING, her tears, his screaming, her anger, on my brother? It's not my fault if anyone overheard my cursing you. Let them hear and tell you, I don't care, I know I'm supposed to respect you, but seriously, blaming everything on him, who was actually the first person who tried to keep him from running away and probably never coming back? Not even TRYING to apologize, just picking up a fight with her, whom I have never seen cry this much, and lying to accuse him? If I ever get nerve to (though I doubt it), the next time you leave your daughter under my care, I'm marching right out of the room and leaving her alone. Just for you to feel that feeling you had at least ten people feel.
Oh wow. What an anger reliever.