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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Then you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and you can't see anything, and you feel like you can't breathe.
  2. Yes! Did you ever feel like you were going to die that very moment?
  3. I would act like we've never known each other before if I ever found out. If you failed a history exam.
  4. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&rlz=1T4GGHP_enSA414SA414&biw=1755&bih=855&tbm=isch&tbnid=MTfJWTQCVfKYnM:&imgrefurl=http://detektivconan-wiki.com/wiki/Jinpei_Matsuda&docid=FHvMJ2Q-7AZRZM&imgurl=http://detektivconan-wiki.com/images/thumb/d/db/Episode_328-5.png/300px-Episode_328-5.png&w=300&h=225&ei=vugDUNfsFPOk4ATtlYWBCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1042&vpy=332&dur=551&hovh=180&hovw=240&tx=161&ty=116&sig=100026959141179772423&page=1&tbnh=158&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0,i:116 tried drawing him.
  5. red berry. Fish or anything else?
  6. Depends on who that person is. If your parents kicked you out of your house
  7. 23) I love you miss mystery
  8. *lantern burns* Inserts mahjong pieces
  9. But he did realize he had a bomb planted in there (don't ask me how a bomb fits in a few coins, but this time it did)
  10. I regret regarding it carelessly... Turns out is important Xl
  11. I dreamt of a scene that happened to me exactly one year ago I don't know why that after all this time when the memory happily drifted away it has to come back again. NOT NICE.
  12. Dear Anonymous, Let's just hope it does and wish for the best... -me.
  13. Nah, he pisses me off. Likes Gin (DC character)
  14. Not alone, but in foods that contain it, yes. Are you a perfectionist?
  15. No, whatever that means. Likes Jinpei Matsuda.
  16. Dear Anonymous, I HATE YOU. see what you did to them? See what you made them say? He's right. It's just illogical. Plus, that kind of thing shouldn't be involved, so why are you talking about it. No one. ------- Dear Anonymous, I could read that over a million times... I think it's my fault. I'm sorry I acted stupid. I'm sorry I didn't think before I said anything, even though that's part of it. I'm sorry I can't understand. I'm sorry for pretty much everything. I can be vain, sometimes I'm inconsiderate, but just because... Well... Please think of it. I could be a very-random-person-you-know to you, but you mean A LOT to me. I know you might not mean any harm, or that you tried going gradual, but that just doesn't work for me. I'd do almost ANYTHING to get you back to the way you were. You were a happier person. Just please, think of it, and come back. Quickly. NevermindwhoIam.
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