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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Dear Anonymous, See? It's more now. You're still being ignorant. And I'm sorry to say, but I can't let you leave my side. I can't stand having no one to talk to. I was used to it once, but once I got used to you, I couldn't do without it anymore. Say what you want, what I care about is that you respond to me. And after a certain person got angry at me, I can't do anything. She was the second one, and there were no more after you two guys. You're the only ones I know will tell me the truth. Though, you always do, and she sometimes lies. And she can be a very mysterious person. You know Minori from toradora? They're the exact same kind of person, except she can be meaner. I'm going after you, so I'm sorry if I'll bother you. I told you THAT thing once, didn't I? Actually, twice, right? So please understand my situation. Can't you? I'm guessing you MIGHT have felt the same way I'm feeling now... -umm... Me. P.S yes, I know I've never talked to you about her before, but she's in an even worse situation now. ------- Dear Anonymous, You're even worse. I understood that person's situation, but I can't understand yours. Seriously. I'm returning it the way it used to be, just in case it is the problem, but that's a very small chance. And you'd better return my notebook nice and clean. You know, if she turns out to be the problem, I'm blaming it on you. And please don't take her side and play dumb like she does. Why? I think that's kinda obvious. -your completely pissed off cousin.
  2. Apart from DC, which is the one that inspires me most, there's Maid-sama and Romeo x Juliet.
  3. FINALLY!! people always say I'm stupid to do so. It pisses me off. My eyes are brown alright. Is the youngest sibling
  4. I found out that there's redangelran and there's angelranchan... Two different users... Sorry guys!
  5. ^no, it's okay, I think I got that. Arigato gozaimasu!!! ... Explains why the "death gods" in DN were called shiniGAmi...
  6. Hello, I'd like to join, though I don't know much Japanese. @96082: how do you know which to use when you're writing, then?
  7. Because Ran made friends with her quickly which means they should have a few traits alike, so she's her daughter. And she's real smart like Shinichi. (P.S I just made that up so it might contain wrong info *doesnt know much about sera*) Kaito Kid is Bourbon
  8. EDIT: sorry, double post... stupid Internet
  9. Kaito Kid, cuz he has all these abilities and he's a thief yet he's nice and just so adorable. And Heiji of course cuz of the way he sometimes get conan into silly situations and his Kansai-ben.
  10. No I don't cuz theres no snow here... T-T Wears his/her watch on his/her right hand
  11. I hate: -people who hate me and don't tell me that they do/try acting nice with me. -not being able to grasp a few facts. -people who speak other than their language at home. -being asked, "why are you smiling?" when remember something that makes me smile. -the person who decided it's against the law for women to drive. -people who act towards me like I'm a toddler or something just 'cause I'm a few years younger -feeling the way I'm feeling now.
  12. Dear Anonymous, I wish I didn't, for once, just to take revenge... Well, even that wouldn't be enough. You just went right up and said, "can you sign?" so I thought... Alright, and just wrote YAY. I'm happy I rejected the rest, and I've decided to sign on everybody else's uniforms with something nicer. Just to make you feel bad. I like revenge, you know, you should be aware of that by this time. Heh, I know you'll be sad, but what you did was even worse. And don't try apologizing, 'cause it won't work... Plus, you're such a sensitive person, shouldn't you try to have a little stronger character? I don't even wanna sign my name. Something written to you doesn't deserve to have my name on it. P.S. Acting stupid will not get me feeling all sympathetic, so quit asking too many stupid questions you know can't be answered.
  13. Acting older or younger than my age, I'm pretty sure, even though he's good at it. Drawing, maybe?
  14. Dear Anonymous, Yes, I do regret ever speaking to you or making friends you or even thinking you were nice for a moment. I was so stupid to think you were actually nice to me. This is the first situation I've been in that matches the saying first impression is always right. When I first met you, I thought you were like THAT stupid person who got what he deserved. I even told you and you seemed to be fine with it, more like it was a compliment. That's plain evil, being compared to him. I was so dumb to actually put faith in you. I can't believe I actually decided to give a second thought. Yet some part of me can't take in the fact that you're not a "main character" in my life anymore, even thought I was quite surprised when I discovered how much you affected me and how important you were. It can't forget you no matter how hard I try, it just wants to give you another chance. It blames everything that happened on me. It whispers, "maybe that person misunderstood, maybe you should think it over carefully and tell that person how you're feeling..." I don't know why even though I look like a very cold person, my emotions always get the better of me. -the same person who is so insignificant and is trying to forget we were ever friends.
  15. Im an expert in hiding things and I suck in looking for stuff
  16. Oops sorry guys I'm gonna win
  17. Wish I did Lives in a place where it snows
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