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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. Well, I'm very sorry for your inconvenience, ma'am, but its not you. You have all my empathy. :'( but that doesn't really matter cuz you're dead anyway.
  2. Gives a book called "the Schwa was here"
  3. You're welcome!!!

  4. Nice... But what would you put in it?
  5. Dear Anonymous, What if there's another one? What if there's even more? T-T -me
  6. Liar! The appearance of your hands is the thing you care about the most, you even wear soft gloves to protect them! I love snowflakes.
  7. Disliked both. I never finished 13 though everyone I know who watched it says it's the worst... But I think 13 will be nicer.
  8. Hi! Say, which city do you live in?

  9. I love it... But yeah somethings wrong with the face... Maybe the shape of it or something.
  10. Both, I guess... What do you do when you're bored?
  11. ??? What did AL mean in the question above?
  12. Wrong. It's another person.
  13. Oh wow... Self-taught yourself... That's awesome!! I can't seem to no matter how hard I try...
  14. *kills everyone but one person*
  15. No offense, but I probably wouldn't care. Just be surprised if I ever figured out. If a celebrity used you cuz you were his/her lookalike.
  16. Dear anonymous, I hope I got it wrong. -me
  17. A question mark comes out... Inserts soap
  18. As in I work? No... Has a school uniform.
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