Dear anon,
You don't know how much I care for you. Just because the agreement is broken don't mean that I'll forget. I care for you and maybe it's because of that my mind is clouded but that still don't mean I don't care. I care very much about you. Maybe you just never see it.
They never happened. If they actually had a scene that suggest the slightest possibillity of ShinKaz, I'll give it a chance but there's none so don't make up pairings that will never happen.
Dear anon,
Losing your homework is bad but losing weight is worse. You lost three kg in a week?! :shock: You're starving yourself aren't you?
P.S:Вы идеально, как вы есть. Не изменятся.
She's still turning her house upside down lookign for her homework. XP Effect of having STM. Well, I received the perfect memory and she received the brawns. Guess it's fair right?
Might as well try this game out.
1. I have blonde hair.
2. I wear glasses.
3. I have a Bachelor Degree for Business Administration.
P.S: You can't answer this Rin.
Yeah she will. She loves yoghurt beyond words. I remember her when we were still kids. She punched the table top broken because my friend ate her yoghurt. XP
Ape ni... Pempuan macam lelaki. Gelinye! Kau pempuan tak lelaki! Action lelaki nanti macam mane nak dapat boyfriend?
Eh Rin, ape Rin cakap ni? Nak dapat boyfriend eh? Kalau org Melayu boleh lah tapi kalaw org Cina.... Habis kau! Din nanti sembelih kau!
Add her back duh. Just give her an apology and a yoghurt and she'll be fine. She already punched the crap out of her punching bag so I think she's fine. xP