"The statue is bronze..." Aster muttered, meeting Elli's gaze. Said statue continued to be rampant and terrorize people. "Why of course, I've got just the thing!" Aster took out what seemed to be a tube of toothpaste of his pocket and snapped on rubber gloves. Squeezing a fair amount of he began to coat the purple thread he had with his hands.
His gloves had started to tear and slice at some places, showing how sharp the thread was.
"Where'd you get that anyway?" Elli asked. "Kite flying competition. Illegal of course, cuts other threads." Aster replied as he quickly changed his gloves and began to tie on end of the thread around her stun gun and the other with a seemingly heavy scrabble tile with the letter "A".
"Okay, now that the wire is coated with my Salt Paste 2.0 -don't worry it's a legit toothpaste, 1.9 had some coal in it too- we can electrocute that guy from a distance!" Aster said. Elli nodded, speaking her monologue I shall leave space for.
They charged after the rampant dog, Elli holding the stun gun and Aster the weight (tile). The dog seemed to evade them for a while until all of a sudden Mari (WAIT SHE WAS EXISTENT?!) jumped in front of it, causing it to be a bit distracted. Aster threw the tile straight at its leg. It struck and the momentum caused it spin around and encircle its leg.
As if on cue, Elli unleashed her stun gun, the current having a direct path to follow from her distance straight to the dog.