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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by A L

  1. Yo~

    How're you doing?

  2. Hi XD and have you listened to Crazy by SP? Try it. It couldn't have been truer.

  3. I only one person here.... But yeah, I do have mutual classmates. And I am loving my school uniform.
  4. A L

    Embarrassing Things

    I don't like listening to songs unless they give meaning. And don't screw with boys!
  5. *KiCkZ* Don't be sorry. I forgive you. But I swear say the S-word again I shove K down your collar and pour a bucket of water on you. But I somewhat deserved it.

  6. Yo! :D I can't find you in my closet :P

  7. I'm back. Sorry, had a very important task to do.

  8. Nope. I guess I'll go.

  9. Why? <_< Do you have to log in at my time?

  10. A L

    Conan x Ai

    I second the motion. Who could have though of 'firing' Conan's butt? Not Ayumi.
  11. I found out that I've a grown an inch since last year. But I also found a mistake in my calculations.
  12. I say Shiho. Brownish-blonde suits her. The orange one she has doesn't suit her.
  13. Yo! welcome! enjoy you're stay here and make friends beware, yoghurt eating kickers.
  14. A L

    Embarrassing Things

    @ Ms.Mystery: Why the heck do you say that here? you are probably like IHKF . Boys do not like when girls say things like that . *smacks sense into head*
  15. A L

    Embarrassing Things

    @ Valk: If I excercise, then it would probably be even more embarrasing. And I believe the student was psychologically scarred for life. At first try with words, but if that doesn't help *Passes metal baseball bat*
  16. A L

    Embarrassing Things

    @ IHKF: I hate racists. And I lead by example to not be one. Same for those who lie
  17. A L

    How much is Shiho's IQ?

    Well, you're sign scared me. But that hitting the ball you're way. IQ is the conceptual thinking i.e: how quickly you can learn maths. The would be the basic of all intelligence. Ahem, when did I say that? I used if. Memory has nothing to do with IQ. There are also different divisions of skills i.e sense of direction, quick thinker, and also if it may be included, not getting agitated and working on a problem. Whoops the real amount is 3.1535 x 10exp14 Multiple posts merged. Please edit your previous post or use the multiquote feature to select posts you would like to reply to and click the big "add reply" button at the top of the page. - Chek
  18. A L

    Code Geass

    Wow. I almost cried when Euphie died too(but I didn't because boys don't cry). The only time I hated Lelouch Euphie should be avenged by Suzaku kicking the everloving daylights out of Lelouch. And yeah, Suzaku and Euphie are meant to be
  19. A L

    Code Geass

    In the... corner? only cheesy pairings like millyxlelouch or kallenxsuzaku can go there! No sir, not suzaeuphie!
  20. I ban you because we are talking again. (Gomenesai!)
  21. So I just had a thought. Many people here should have read "Into the World of Detective Conan" By Chelseaj500. I couldn't really grasp how we would look there. As a thought, It would be nice if we created our own characters but DC style. It basically means the facial features, eyes etc- on an original design of yours. You may not take another anime character and make modifications. For an example of such a drawing, visit my second rate version below: http://fullmetal4869.deviantart.com/art/LG-281916944 Don't mind the quality please but it should give you a general Idea what I'm talking about. Sa, Hajime!
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