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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by A L

  1. Dear Astra, Emotional blackmail is it now? D: Life is too sweet to part ways! *escapes into the sunset on Vile Murder* ~AL
  2. Dear Anons, You guys are the worst friends ever T__T ~AL
  3. To Anon, Why my organs? All I do is adore your kind. ~AL
  4. Dear Anons, You mortals can only hope to capture me. ~Master of Light and Darkness.
  5. Dear Anonymous, I am not a mathematician. I know stuff a 5th grader can compete with in a better country. And since I must oppose my environment( which was dumb and bad) I actually turned out smart and good in some ways. And I am no love expert, just a lost soul hoping to fill the void in itself. Let's not kill me okay? because I would die ~AL
  6. A L

    Prem's Art Thread

    Stahp spamming ;A; what about the owner of this thread?
  7. Dear Nara, Do I? Do I really ? -AL
  8. A L

    Prem's Art Thread

    Spammity spam spam. Thought I'd join you in my good deed for the day. :V
  9. Dear Astra, Let me be serious for once? :V -AL
  10. Dear Anonymous, Let me go, bury me. I am not good for you. -AL
  11. A L

    Secret Santa

    This for Rye. How the heck can I not gift my Imouto
  12. A L

    Secret Santa

    Imouto-kun~! I'll hug you to heaven next time you come here Merry Christmas to you all folks~!
  13. Eldest, sequel to Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. Epic, just epic.
  14. Dear Cindy, Where are you? you're not forgotten and I sorely miss you. -AL
  15. The fact you saw her pic but Nara didn't could be a reason. Remember minion, in front of the world, show confidence. Be humble later after you have screwed up or you find someone else better.
  16. And you wondered why I never gave you permission to draw me.
    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Very strange why am I not part of the "Relations with Other Members" am I that worthless to you? ;_;

    2. A L

      A L

      B-But you're like an invisible fairy godfather ;~; priceless. (I'll edit later :V)

    3. A L
    4. Show next comments  150 more
  17. Could you be the one that will love me, even when I let you down?

  18. Shining Star, You're still on my mind. All the conversations we had, all the fun things we did, the crazy ideas we shared, how I fell for you, how you taught me to live despite being in darkness. I miss you, I'll never forget you. Never. ~Little Genius
  19. Dear Anonymous, Keep your head down. -AL
  20. I see. *hard-wired from biology textbooks* :L
  21. A L

    Last Poster Wins

    We've been through this before, about 60 days off in a year excluding weekends.
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