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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by A L

  1. Dear Love of My Life, Sorry, I'm afraid the person to whom this is addressed to has caught too much of the lurkers' attention. ~AL
  2. Beats go great with iPhones. Just like how you can have enough money to pay for college with a medium scholarship if you don't buy both those things.
  3. I used to be able to do that too (and mix pretty high as well) but then my voice deepened I can still do various accents. xD
  4. True about the over drive, and I don't know whether I'd prefer tea over coffee. I mean I just dissolve spoons of it in half a glass of water and down it on exam morning whereas with tea you can have something to eat as well.
  5. "I love walking in the mist, cause no one can see me smoking."
  6. Am I the only one who likes the taste? Then again I down wheat malt with no sugar and drink weird Chinese teas. @Kjeldahl: I know a guy whose parents did that once. Be lucky it wasn't your marriage like that poor sod. /Asia&ArrangedMarriages
  7. And I pull down sleeves even if they reach till my wrists.
  8. And mine. Further education is not for you
  9. This reminded of chemistry and I just went "Ah but monopoly can hydrolyse a family."
  10. ever been to pokemonvortex

  11. Dear Enemy, Now now, it wouldn't do to ruin your appetite. Whatever the answer may be, a friend is someone who tries to make you feel good about yourself, who points you out on things that matter. ~The Temporary Friend
  12. It's much more epic to be outside and looking at various stuff than your own reflection while pondering about life.
  13. Okay why did I not know someone other than me here listened to Foster the People oh that's right I've basically died oh well. *whistles* ~Got shackles on my words are tied~
  14. Rather a dead weapon master than a surviving idiot ^^
  15. 10 years later I can sing with a fully open throat and no nasality.
  16. If there is a male from joined 2 years ago or back on this site I'm not paired with do inform me.
  17. I am powerless. Cannot watch anime to reward myself for studying and further motivation nor do I have a room in which I can jump and start studying late in the night. :V

    1. Balthazar Manfredie
    2. Kjeldahl


      Didnt I teach you studying is a waste of time? :v

  18. Listen to this beautiful man sing. Sure, I'm not too big on the wording of the lyrics myself but God that delivery! (He actually breaks down in a live version). www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrptX9b51LM
  19. Didn't. Feel like annoying twin so she can make me smile. Her antics always do actually. XD
  20. Well, what type of guys do you like?
  21. Another one of those tiring "Not really" jokes? Or I'm gonna change my DP name to "MK the Great Is Gay For Real".
  22. At least you can dribble like a road-runner past others without being tackled
  23. I wrote some disturbing lyrics again ^-^
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