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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by A L

  1. Sometimes social anxiety makes so sick I throw up in the bathroom.
  2. Same. Last time I did it was INFP and I'm not in the mood to do it again.
  3. I'm hoping this is a positive quote xD
  4. A L


    http://www.fitnessunderoath.com/life-isnt-fair-the-massive-advantage-of-being-lean/ ^There ya go.
  5. I have a sportsjacket with the label Aeropostale. xD
  6. A L

    I wish...

    Imagine Einstein conforming to his school's teachings. I wish to gain 0.25 inches.
  7. I'd like to think that football has honed my precision.
  8. Oh. My. Gosh xD I only knew a few fallacies.
  9. A L

    I wish...

    It would depend on the teaching. Imagine if that wish came true in the past D:
  10. *facepalm* I'm the guy who'll accidentally kick a person for things like these. ANYWAY, Like MK said Baltha take it easy If I was a girl I'd try shopping and see if I don't magically get tired halfway through a single store.
  11. A L


    +1~ A funny thing is my brother and father have remained more active than me in their lives yet I'm taller than the both of them. All I did was play football.
  12. A L


    TBH I really wanted Nokia phones since they weren't loaded with so many procrastination features. And their battery wasn't in percentage but solid block and I didn't have to worry about the charging. I hate it when I waste too much time in front of an oepned word document and barely write a hundred words.
  13. I have not seen Avatar in full.
  14. ...I don't mind people being choosey about their food but hey don't judge each other for your choices. The human body can handle all the meat and veggies, it's in our design and sooner or later this stuff turns into a debate about 'human' rights for animals. I sneak in painkillers at school to avoid going to the nurse
  15. I find Nutella really unhealthy. Sticking to pure sugar cotton candy.
  16. Just me or did I actually get "tagged" in a post... Wow. Welcome NinjaGirl! DCW changes your gender. Didn't know? You should have read the terms and agreement before signing up.
  17. Studying has become reading a paragraph, closing my eyes for five minutes to absorb it and then reading manga on my phone till who knows how long.
  18. I wonder when school will start. Also whether I'll do any god darn work.
  19. A L


    It has more to do with me sighing and tossing away my time for their choices and whims because they've already made up their mind when they ask for my oh-so-valued opinion I can whine and do it, or grin and bear it. I tend to do both just to be painfully annoying. Ahhh Schrodinger... I dunno MK, maybe because one brain is not enough to take in all the information of deviated events? Maybe perhaps some differences in personality because I could be acting on my murderous instinct some other multiverse. Then again your question began with an 'if', so maybe somewhere where that if isn't an if, our selves in that realm know the answer. Also it would be troublesome if not kinda cool to be aware of a self that bought those two booster packs and pulled some rares while I'm here empty-handed.
  20. A L


    If you happen to be the guy who bought them both I owe you another punch.
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